The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in Histor Test | Final Test - Medium

Robert M. Edsel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in Histor Test | Final Test - Medium

Robert M. Edsel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in Histor Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many paintings were discovered at the repository in the Altausee mine?
(a) 9,213.
(b) 2,356.
(c) 6,577.
(d) 5,215.

2. What was the name of Harry Ettlinger’s grandfather who fled Germany in 1939?
(a) Opa Oppenheimer.
(b) Jörg Immendorff.
(c) Martin Kippenberger.
(d) Max Liebermann.

3. What is referred to in Part IV: “The Void,” Chapter 37 as “the great lost civilization of Africa”?
(a) Nairobi.
(b) Timbuktu.
(c) Egypt.
(d) Mesopotamia.

4. What Monuments Man wrote of the discovery of the Bruges Madonna, “the light of our lamps played over the soft folds of the Madonna’s robe, the delicate modeling of her face. Her grave eyes looked down, seemed only half aware of the sturdy Child nestling close against her, one hand firmly held in hers”?
(a) Archibald MacLeish.
(b) Christopher Isherwood.
(c) Langdon Warner.
(d) Thomas Carr Howe, Jr.

5. Albert Speer was what official party member number of the Nazi Party?
(a) 11,214.
(b) 474,481.
(c) 21,654.
(d) 125,213.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Hermann Göring made his way toward his estate at Mauterndorf in May of 1945, his artwork was in transit to what location?

2. The basis of the English word “salary” derives from what substance once used as money?

3. What word from Part V: “The Aftermath,” Chapter 51 means leaving no doubt or ambiguity?

4. When was the city of Munich founded?

5. When was the Reich Sword of Prince Albrecht forged?

Short Essay Questions

1. For whom was Private Harry Ettlinger working as a translator in May of 1945? Where had he originally been assigned?

2. Whom does Robert Edsel credit as the “true hero of Altaussee” in Part V: “The Aftermath”? Why?

3. How does the author describe the work of the Monuments Men following the end of the war in Part V: “The Aftermath,” Chapter 53?

4. When did Lieutenant George Stout arrive in Altaussee? How many artifacts were uncovered and catalogued by Stout there?

5. What did Captain Robert Posey and Private Lincoln Kirstein learn from the dentist’s son at the village outside of Trier in March of 1945?

6. What did Captain Robert Posey and Private Lincoln Kirstein find in Trier, Germany, in March of 1945?

7. Why does the author say the story of the Monuments Men fell into obscurity? When were the Monuments Men officially recognized for their service?

8. How many repositories does the author describe that were found in Germany following the war in Part V: “The Aftermath,” Chapter 53?

9. Whom was Second Lieutenant James J. Rorimer upset that he was unable to interrogate as he approached Neuschwanstein?

10. Where were the central figures of the Monuments Men assigned in early April of 1945?

(see the answer keys)

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