The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in Histor Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Robert M. Edsel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in Histor Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Robert M. Edsel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in Histor Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was Rose Valland born?
(a) Saint-Étienne-de-Saint-Geoirs, France.
(b) Bad Godesberg, Germany.
(c) Asnières, France.
(d) Bernterode, Germany.

2. On what date was Harry Ettlinger’s nineteenth birthday?
(a) September 7, 1944.
(b) July 17, 1944.
(c) January 28, 1945.
(d) August 27, 1942.

3. What literary review had Private First Class Lincoln Kirstein founded while attending Harvard?
(a) Fox and Hound.
(b) National Lampoon.
(c) Hound and Horn.
(d) Cambridge Literary Journal.

4. When was the Madonna of La Gleize carved?
(a) The 1200s.
(b) The 1400s.
(c) The 1300s.
(d) The 1500s.

5. Lieutenant Colonel Sir Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler was director of what museum prior to the war?
(a) The Metropolitan Museum.
(b) The London Museum.
(c) The Guggenheim Museum.
(d) The Jeu de Paume Museum.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the author, Givet, Belgium was a replacement depot when Harry Ettlinger arrived there. What term did the men call this staging area for replacement troops?

2. What field refers to the technical art of preserving older or damaged works of art?

3. How many of the Monuments Men were still in their twenties, according to the author in the introduction to Part I: “The Mission”?

4. Who was assigned to inspect monuments in Sicily on his own with no resources or assistance and once in Italy became buried by bureaucracy, according to the author in Part I: “The Mission”?

5. Where was Harry Ettlinger living when he was drafted into the army?

Short Essay Questions

1. What led up to the looting of the Bruges Madonna sculpture in 1944?

2. What took place at the meeting of the Monuments Men in France on August 13, 1944? Where did they meet?

3. How is Harry Ettlinger’s arrival in Europe described in Part III: “Germany,” Chapter 24? When did he arrive?

4. Where was Hermann Göring’s art collection transported in March of 1945? Why?

5. When did the Allied forces bomb the abbey at Monte Cassino, Italy? How did this event reflect upon the Allies?

6. What did Captain Walter Hancock find in Aachen, Germany during his trip there in late November of 1944?

7. What “hard copies” did Rose Valland pass along to Second Lieutenant James J. Rorimer in 1945?

8. What reinforcements arrived to assist the Monuments Men in late 1944? What were their roles?

9. What did Captain Walker Hancock find when he returned to La Gleize after the Battle of the Bulge? How did he fulfill his mission there?

10. Where were the central Monuments Men during the Battle of the Bulge? What work were they doing at this time?

(see the answer keys)

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