The Monkey's Raincoat Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Crais
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Monkey's Raincoat Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Crais
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of Dom's second man that Elvis and Pike ambush?
(a) Sanchez.
(b) Sashe.
(c) Sanshey.
(d) Sasha.

2. What does Elvis tell Ellen about the case?
(a) The FBI is inovolved.
(b) They will find Perry, alive.
(c) He will take care of everything.
(d) It's being turned over to Special Operations.

3. Why does the Mafia use Dom?
(a) To launder money.
(b) To protect their image.
(c) To kill people.
(d) To produce money.

4. Who is Ellen reluctant to speak to as she prepares for the battle with Dom?
(a) Her daughters.
(b) The police.
(c) Elvis.
(d) Janet.

5. Whose key card does Elvis take before leaving the secure apartment building?
(a) Fein's.
(b) Dom's.
(c) O'Brannon's.
(d) Kimberly's.

6. What does Pike paint Ellen's face with prior to going into battle?
(a) Eyeliner.
(b) Eyeshadow.
(c) Lipstick.
(d) Mascara.

7. Who is not with Dom's men?
(a) Ellen.
(b) Perry.
(c) Dom.
(d) Mort.

8. Whom does Elvis call on the phone to flirt with?
(a) Cleon's sister.
(b) Ellen.
(c) Cleon.
(d) Rice.

9. Elvis and Pike see men move Perry from Dom's guesthouse to ______________.
(a) The main house.
(b) A helicopter.
(c) A car.
(d) The limo.

10. Whom does Elvis phone to get information on Rice?
(a) Pike.
(b) O'Brannon.
(c) Poitras.
(d) Patricia Kyle.

11. Whom does Elvis call to ask for information on Dom while eating his sandwich from the deli?
(a) Poitras.
(b) Eddie.
(c) Pike.
(d) O'Brannon.

12. What trade does Elvis make with Dom?
(a) The drugs for Ellen.
(b) The drugs for money.
(c) The drugs for his estate.
(d) The drugs for the boy.

13. Elvis give his business card to _____________.
(a) No one.
(b) The worker at the flower shop.
(c) The old women at the gelato shop.
(d) The punk gelato shop girl.

14. Whose name is given to Elvis in association with large cocaine dealings?
(a) Bernie Fain.
(b) Barry Fein.
(c) Berry Faine.
(d) Bernie Fein.

15. What does Ellen tell Poitras?
(a) She needs to go home.
(b) She knows who has Perry.
(c) Her kidnapping story.
(d) She is scared.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Elvis begin to cook while Ellen is in the bathtub?

2. Who is next to Elvis when he wakes up on the couch?

3. What Does Ellen say the men threatened her with if she didn't produce Dom's cocaine?

4. What liquor does Elvis give Ellen in Chapter 21 at his house?

5. What is the weather like when Pike goes out in the night to find the people watching Elvis's house?

(see the answer keys)

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