Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Where does Hayduke write a warning note?
2. Who does Hayduke watch as he eats breakfast?
3. Who runs after Seldom Seen and Hayduke?
4. What event are several hundred people attending?
5. What reason does Abbey give for writing novels on ecology?
Short Essay Questions
1. How do Doc and Abbzug get away with buying firearms?
2. Describe Bonnie Abbzug's character.
3. Why does the guard tell Smith to move on from the bridge?
4. Why does Doc say he is part of the group?
5. Why does Hayduke become passionate about environmental issues?
6. How did Hayduke get his revenge on a police officer?
7. How did Edward Abbey become interested in the environment?
8. How does Abbey express his likes and dislikes in the prologue?
9. Who is Joseph Fielding Smith?
10. What does Chapter 8 say about Bishop Love's character?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Discuss elements of the narrative structure: exposition, conflict, complication, climax, resolution and conclusion. Do all the elements make for a logical and linear story? How does the story's structure express the book's themes?
Essay Topic 2
Examine the book's reception in three different countries including the country the book was written. How do their opinions about the books differ? Was the book more influential in one country than another? If so, why?
Essay Topic 3
THE MONKEY WRENCH GANG was published in 1975. Choose one of the following options and discuss they have developed since the book's publication:
1. Industrialism.
2. Environmental groups.
3. Public awareness.
This section contains 668 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |