The Monkey Wrench Gang Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Monkey Wrench Gang Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Hayduke have to meet the remainder of the group?
(a) Natural Bridges.
(b) Petersen Bridges.
(c) Man-made Bridges.
(d) The Ohio Bridge.

2. What does Abbzug think Doc sees her as?
(a) Someone to keep him company.
(b) A little girl.
(c) Someone who is willing to do the dirty work.
(d) Someone who sleeps with him.

3. What event are several hundred people attending?
(a) The opening of a supermarket.
(b) The opening of a new road.
(c) The opening of a new bridge.
(d) The opening of a dam.

4. Where does the group travel to after leaving the restaurant?
(a) An oil company.
(b) A construction site.
(c) A steel company.
(d) A coal company.

5. Why has Hayduke stayed the night near the construction site?
(a) To keep a lookout.
(b) To watch the destruction.
(c) He can't afford a hotel room.
(d) To be near nature.

6. Of what group is Bishop Love a member?
(a) The Eco-Warriors.
(b) Salvation Army.
(c) The FBI.
(d) Search and rescue.

7. Where does Hayduke propose they put explosives?
(a) In a mine.
(b) In a truck.
(c) In a machine.
(d) On a conveyor belt.

8. How does Hayduke respond to Smith throwing a shoe at him?
(a) He grabs his gun.
(b) He grabs the steering wheel.
(c) He screams.
(d) He hits Smith.

9. What do Hayduke and Seldom Seen set fire to at Burr Pass?
(a) An oil tanker.
(b) A crane.
(c) A truck.
(d) A bulldozer.

10. To what city did Edward Abbey hitchhike?
(a) Chicago.
(b) San Francisco.
(c) Seattle.
(d) New York.

11. What does Hayduke suggest he can use a steel bar to move?
(a) Boulders.
(b) Oil tanks.
(c) Trucks.
(d) Bodies.

12. Why does a guard stop Seldom Seen from praying?
(a) It is an eyesore.
(b) It is illegal.
(c) It is indecent.
(d) He is stopping traffic.

13. Where does Doc Sarvis burn down billboards?
(a) Highway 96.
(b) Highway 22.
(c) Highway 66.
(d) Highway 54.

14. What do Hayduke and Smith plan to fill with explosives?
(a) A truck.
(b) A ferry.
(c) A cruiser.
(d) A houseboat.

15. What dam did Abbey say he wanted to see destroyed?
(a) The Amnesty Dam.
(b) The Regal River Dam.
(c) The Glen Canyon Dam.
(d) The Colorado Dean Dam.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Smith throw at Hayduke to awaken him from a nightmare?

2. What canyon does the bridge stretch across?

3. What does Hayduke throw onto the ground?

4. What kind of car does Bonnie own?

5. Who does Hayduke watch as he eats breakfast?

(see the answer keys)

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