The Modigliani Scandal Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Modigliani Scandal Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the policeman come to the door of Peter's house?
(a) To investigate a missing painting.
(b) To tell him that he knows something odd is going on in the house.
(c) To investigate a theft.
(d) To tell him that the lights are on in the car.

2. Why does Julian feel nervous as he enters the office to see Jack Best?
(a) Who he should invite to the reception.
(b) The opening of the gallery.
(c) What art he should display at the reception.
(d) His talk with Jack.

3. What does Julian's father-in-law tell him to do that will allow him to give Julian more money?
(a) Give him a grandson.
(b) Find good buys in the picture market.
(c) Divorce his daughter.
(d) Find a painter worth something.

4. Why does Dee go to see the old man who lives above the fish shop?
(a) To rent a painting.
(b) To purchase hashish.
(c) To purchase a painiting.
(d) For information concerning her thesis.

5. What name did Peter give Meunier's as a reference?
(a) Mad Mitch.
(b) Lampeth.
(c) Julian Black.
(d) Lord Caldwell.

6. What kind of a city is Livorno?
(a) Large and filled with resorts.
(b) Small and quiet.
(c) A metropolitan city of small business and tourist attractions.
(d) A major port with docks and steelworks.

7. What is the relationship between Willow and Lampeth?
(a) They are mere acquaintances.
(b) They are worker and boss at the gallery.
(c) They are both art dealers for different galleries.
(d) They are partners in the gallery.

8. Why doesn't Mad Mitch paint for a living?
(a) Being a full time artist is too risky financially.
(b) He would rather teach.
(c) He fears being a full time artist.
(d) He doesn't believe he has enough talent.

9. Who gives Lipsey the name of the city that Dee and Mike went to to find the Modigliani?
(a) The wife of the proprietor in Livorno.
(b) The proprietor in Livorno.
(c) The young priest in Livorno.
(d) The rabbi in Livorno.

10. What does Charles Lampeth miss as he reflects about life after dinner at his friends?
(a) His friend's chef.
(b) The conversations they used to have.
(c) The kind of parties and balls only now seen in historical movies.
(d) The cigars they used to smoke.

11. What does Lipsey decide that he must do first in his investigation?
(a) Look for the painting.
(b) Go to hotels in search of where Dee is staying.
(c) Visit the police station.
(d) Knock on doors to find Dee.

12. What is the subject of the painting of the contest between Peter and Mad Mitch?
(a) A peasant.
(b) A gravedigger.
(c) A field of flowers.
(d) A dog.

13. Whose paintings does Peter take to Mr. Meunier's office?
(a) Vincent Van Gogh.
(b) Braque, a French painter.
(c) Jan Rep, a Dutch painter.
(d) Munch, a German painter.

14. What does Anita want Samantha to do for herself?
(a) Buy a car.
(b) Get into show business.
(c) Go to college.
(d) Get a better job.

15. What comparison does Peter make about a painter who isn't painting?
(a) Not dancing to a dancer.
(b) Not smoking to a smoker.
(c) Not playing to a musician.
(d) Not drinking to a drinker.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Cardwell mean to do to keep himself in brandy?

2. When Julian arrives home after seeing Jack Best at the office, what does he find Sarah has done most of the day?

3. What does Dee want to write her thesis about?

4. How does Peter Usher react to the news that Lampeth gives him at the gallery reception?

5. What does Lipsey have for lunch after he has investigated all morning?

(see the answer keys)

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