The Mismeasure of Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mismeasure of Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The answer to #48 said that humans were distinguished from _________ by the human's ability to improve himself.
(a) animals
(b) savages
(c) blacks
(d) slaves

2. Gould says the claims of inferiority are limited to ____________ even thought race, sex, and social class are tied together.
(a) one study
(b) one group
(c) one setting
(d) one scientist

3. What means there is some sort of ordering that is used in assigning individuals to their relevant spot?
(a) Biology
(b) Ranking
(c) Scientific study
(d) Theoretic discourse

4. The answer to #55 was known as a _________ because he looked for small differences between species.
(a) striker
(b) splitter
(c) species expert
(d) microcosm expert

5. Motor functions are performed at the _________ of the brain.
(a) front
(b) left side
(c) right side
(d) back

Short Answer Questions

1. People with ______ had smaller brain sizes than those who were suddenly killed in accidents.

2. Where was Robert Bennett Bean a physician?

3. Who was Francis Galton's cousin?

4. Broca's numbers were based on his ______________, according to Gould.

5. The argument of _______________ is the basis for believing that measuring the intelligence of an individual allows a measure of worth or value to be attached.

Short Essay Questions

1. Who was Francis Galton and what did he do for the scientific study of intelligence measurement?

2. Describe and define the idea of biological determinism.

3. What are some of the arguments that have been used to justify the rankings of people in society?

4. What are 2 of the four points Gould keeps in mind as he examines the studies of the researchers in this book?

5. If given the races of Indian, Black, and White, how would these be ranked, according to the early craniometry methods?

6. In the opening of this book, Gould quotes Socrates as saying all people should be educated and that they will belong to whom in order for society to remain stable?

7. What is Socrates' idea as to how classes and categories will be formed in relation to people in a society?

8. What were some of the additional factors Gratiolet studied in order to determine the effect of brain size?

9. What did Robert Bennett Bean study as an investigator into craniometry?

10. What does Gunnar Myrdal have to say about the situation of ranking people in society?

(see the answer keys)

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