The Mismeasure of Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mismeasure of Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. "Mental testing becomes a theory for enhancing ___________ through proper education."
(a) excellence
(b) races
(c) intelligence
(d) potential

2. What technique did Burt say he developed, although it was really Charles Spearman who created this technique?
(a) Factor analysis
(b) Factor counting
(c) Algebraic formulation
(d) Statistical analysis

3. The answer to #142 indicates how much of a change there is in one variable due to a change in __________.
(a) the environment
(b) the weather
(c) the numbers
(d) another variable

4. What outside factors are being alluded to in #151?
(a) Physical
(b) Environmental
(c) Mental
(d) Sociological

5. The principal components approach allowed Burt to identify _________ factors.
(a) multi-variate
(b) basic
(c) group
(d) G

6. Members of the inferior group were always compared with ________ children.
(a) white
(b) Indian
(c) black
(d) young

7. "s" was considered the product of _________ by both Spearman and Burt.
(a) training
(b) opportunity
(c) imagination
(d) understanding

8. Sir Cyril Burt was a medical tester who studied ___________.
(a) idiots
(b) twins
(c) white adults
(d) blacks

9. What technique is explained in terms of geometry and matrix algebra?
(a) Advanced algebra
(b) Trigonometry
(c) Calculus
(d) Factor analysis

10. Where did Alfred Binet study human intelligence and how to measure it?
(a) Louvre
(b) MIT
(c) Sorbonne
(d) Harvard

11. A perfect correlation graph between two variables would show ________________.
(a) overlapping vectors
(b) up and down lines
(c) shaded areas in the corners
(d) one line

12. How many rules did Binet come up with in order to decrease the likelihood of his test being misused?
(a) 3
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 4

13. E.D. Cope thought that _______ Europeans were inferior to others.
(a) Eastern
(b) Western
(c) Northern
(d) Southern

14. "[T]he child represents a ____________ adult ancestor."
(a) comparable
(b) younger
(c) unique
(d) primitive

15. What big theory was just becoming popular in the nineteenth century?
(a) Equality
(b) Revolution
(c) Creationism
(d) Evolution

Short Answer Questions

1. It was discovered that there was no general _________ of intelligence as Spearman once thought.

2. Goddard was trying to develop a _____________ scale to measure intelligence.

3. According to Lombroso, the genes of the past are contained in the hereditary of the individual and the ___________ surfaces at times.

4. Binet was worried, however, that his testing might cause the child to be ___________ in school.

5. Havelock found that _________ males were more effeminate.

(see the answer keys)

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