The Mismeasure of Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mismeasure of Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Motor functions are performed at the _________ of the brain.
(a) back
(b) left side
(c) front
(d) right side

2. Broca also thought that ________ should be denied the benefits of education due to smaller brains.
(a) leaders
(b) women
(c) children
(d) elderly people

3. Did a desire for ______ lead to the questions and data to support a predetermined conclusion?
(a) answers
(b) races
(c) slaves
(d) ranking

4. The answer to #48 also tried to show the entities with a higher ranking had to repeat the _________ of those with lower ranking.
(a) illnesses
(b) education
(c) work
(d) growth stages

5. Where was Robert Bennett Bean a physician?
(a) Massachusetts
(b) Texas
(c) Virginia
(d) Ohio

6. Who was the data analyst for the answer to #55?
(a) No one
(b) Milton
(c) Morton
(d) Gould

7. What did Gould see Broca had formed before he ever started his research?
(a) Data
(b) Mistakes
(c) Conclusions
(d) Book

8. What does Socrates feel will happen when all people are intelligent?
(a) Society will become revolutionary.
(b) Society will become enlightened.
(c) Society will remain stable.
(d) Society will stop changing.

9. Which view was based on the story of Adam and Eve?
(a) Polygenism
(b) Recapitulation
(c) Racial ranking
(d) Monogenism

10. What was the most famous work of the man in #59?
(a) Crania
(b) Crania Astounda
(c) Crania Americana
(d) Crania Inca

11. Experts claimed it was no good to __________ blacks.
(a) educate
(b) study
(c) understand
(d) listen to

12. Which view was based on the idea that inferior races can not be linked to the whites because they started from a separate group of DNA and people?
(a) Recapitulation
(b) Racial ranking
(c) Monogenism
(d) Polygenism

13. The craniometry argument is the first __________ argument that has been offered.
(a) plausible
(b) reliable
(c) scientific
(d) logical

14. What means there is some sort of ordering that is used in assigning individuals to their relevant spot?
(a) Scientific study
(b) Theoretic discourse
(c) Biology
(d) Ranking

15. People with ______ had smaller brain sizes than those who were suddenly killed in accidents.
(a) diseases
(b) AIDS
(c) low iron
(d) children

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of disease can cause the brain to diminish in size before death?

2. "Plato relied upon dialectic, the Church upon __________."

3. Within what century did science become fascinated with numbers?

4. Which was the second-ranked race for the practitioners of racial ranking?

5. Gould wants to know if science added the ___________ data, or......

(see the answer keys)

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