The Miserable Mill Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Miserable Mill Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Charles tries to help, but Sir tells him that one of his jobs is to make Sir's what, not tell Sir what to do?
(a) Waffles
(b) Pancakes
(c) Omelets
(d) Porridge

2. Sir does not believe Violet, although who does?
(a) the Foreman
(b) Phil
(c) Charles
(d) Mr. Poe

3. What is the easiest job for the mill employees?
(a) Slicing
(b) Staining
(c) Shaving
(d) Stamping

4. Who says that they will sneak the children food the next day?
(a) Mr. Poe
(b) Dr. Orwell
(c) Phil
(d) Charles

5. After the lunch break, Foreman Flacutono tells Klaus that he will be operating what machine that day?
(a) Stamping
(b) Slicing
(c) Shaving
(d) Staining

Short Answer Questions

1. the doctor says that you can catch more what with honey than with vinegar?

2. What is the word used to describe the amount of money needed to replace the machinery?

3. The children receive a message from whom, upon returning to the mill?

4. The doctor carries a cane with what color jewel on top?

5. Remembering a fishing expedition he once took with his parents, Klaus recalls the process of what?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who do you think is the hero of the battle in chapter 12 and why?

2. What happens to Klaus at his second trip to the eye doctor?

3. How does Count Olaf's plan start to come together at the end of chapter 11?

4. How does Charles offer to help, in chapter 10, and how is it reminiscent of earlier in the book?

5. What is the relationship between Sir and Charles like, in chapter 10, as opposed to how it is described earlier in the book?

6. Describe the machine Klaus runs, in chapter 7, and the process involved.

7. Describe Violet in the library. What about her personality and attitude helps her there and what hurts her. How is that similar to students who have to research in real life?

8. What realization does Klaus make on the way to the eye doctor for the second time? Also, why doesn't that realization help him at the time?

9. How do the children's general states of mind change, in chapter 10, and why?

10. What is the result of the children's confrontation with the Count?

(see the answer keys)

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