The Miserable Mill Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Miserable Mill Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the children given to eat while at work?
(a) Candy
(b) Gum
(c) Cookies
(d) Potato chips

2. The girls finally decide to wait for Klaus where?
(a) In the courtyard
(b) In the library
(c) In their beds
(d) In front of the doctor's office

3. Who escorts the children out of their meeting with Sir?
(a) Charles
(b) Phil
(c) Sir himself
(d) The Foreman

4. When the children ask their guardian's name, what does Poe tell them?
(a) Philip
(b) John
(c) The name is unpronouncable
(d) Billy

5. How do the employees of the mill look at life?
(a) They are optimistic that things will change
(b) They are happy all the time
(c) They have an attitude of discontent
(d) They are content

6. What is the name of the forest that the children pass on their journey?
(a) Futile Forest
(b) Finite Forest
(c) Foggy Forest
(d) Fertile Forest

7. When the children arrive where they'll be staying, they knock on the door and a man named what answers?
(a) Dill
(b) Phil
(c) Bill
(d) Gill

8. The guardian tells the children that they must work in the mill until who comes of age?
(a) Charles
(b) Klaus
(c) Sunny
(d) Violet

9. What does Charles give to the children?
(a) A pear
(b) A peach
(c) An apple
(d) An orange

10. What must be done to the pieces of timber on the first day?
(a) Sanding
(b) Cutting into even lengths
(c) Debarking
(d) Painting

11. The children begin to rationalize that, even though their work is hard, it is much better than having to do what?
(a) Travel on the train
(b) Fend off evil plots
(c) Live with Mr. Poe
(d) Go to school

12. Where did the books in the library come from?
(a) Sir bought them
(b) Sir wrote them
(c) Charles wrote them
(d) They were donated

13. Klaus falls asleep without taking off what clothing?
(a) His hat
(b) His gloves
(c) His shoes
(d) His ring

14. Why did the previous foreman quit?
(a) There was a death in his family
(b) He had an accident
(c) It's a mystery
(d) He decided to move to someplace sunny and warm

15. What does the Count's tattoo resemble?
(a) A picure in a magazine on the train
(b) An emblem on Mr. Poe's briefcase
(c) The symbol on he sign for the lumbermill
(d) The building that the children pass

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the dinner that everyone shares?

2. The count has a tattoo on what part of his body?

3. the foreman wakes everyone by banging two what together?

4. Why can't the children sleep, initially?

5. How are the employees paid?

(see the answer keys)

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