The Miniaturist Test | Final Test - Medium

Jessie Burton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Miniaturist Test | Final Test - Medium

Jessie Burton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is NOT a characteristic of the Brandt house that Nella lists as she returns from following Otto?
(a) She cannot hear any human voices.
(b) She can hear the sounds of dogs barking.
(c) She can hear a woman screaming.
(d) The front door is wide open.

2. Who feels responsible for Rezeki's death, even though someone else was her real killer?
(a) Johannes.
(b) Jack.
(c) Nella.
(d) Otto.

3. Which doll from the cabinet house does Marin throw into the street over the protests of Nella?
(a) Jack.
(b) Johannes.
(c) Marin.
(d) Nella.

4. Before Johannes tries to flee Amsterdam, he tells Nella to guard and watch someone. Of whom is he speaking?
(a) Jack.
(b) The miniaturist.
(c) Cornelia.
(d) Marin.

5. With whom does Nella have an altercation when she is following Otto and goes into the church?
(a) Agnes.
(b) Johannes.
(c) Frans.
(d) Marin.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first object through which Jack pushes his dagger while inside the Brandt house?

2. What is true of ALL of the dolls left on the front step of the Brandt house?

3. What is NOT an action Marin admits to taking in order to keep her pregnancy a secret?

4. What reason does Marin give Nella when she tells Nella not to follow Johannes to the Stadhuis?

5. The narrator states that after the words greed and flood, what is "the worst word in the city's lexicon" (249)?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Marin say the truth is about Frans and her in the past in Part Four: “Verkeerspel"?

2. When Nella detects a tenderness and genuine friendship developing between herself and Johannes, what is her reaction?

3. What admissions does Marin make to Nella in Part Three: “Hidden Bodies"?

4. What does Nella do as a sign of goodwill toward Johannes when he leaves for Venice and what is his reaction?

5. What two items does Nella say "beautifully define [Marin's] infuriating contradictions and what does Nella mean?

6. How much does Nella obtain for the sugar in Part Four: "The Hopeful Loaf"? What are her intentions with the profits?

7. Why do Nella and Marin argue in Part Four: “Verkeerspel"?

8. What is the implication of Jack's charge against Johannes in Part Three: "Horseshoe"?

9. What is Marin about to do when Nella enters her room in Part Three: “Hidden Bodies"? Why?

10. What happens when the militia arrives in Part Three: "Horseshoe"?

(see the answer keys)

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