The Miniaturist Test | Final Test - Easy

Jessie Burton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Miniaturist Test | Final Test - Easy

Jessie Burton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom does Nella discover taking a late-night bath in the Brandt house as Nella leaves to visit the miniaturist?
(a) Jack.
(b) Johannes.
(c) Otto.
(d) Marin.

2. How many dolls total are left on the front step of the Brandt household?
(a) Eight.
(b) Six.
(c) Three.
(d) Four.

3. What does Cornelia tell Nella that no woman can do?
(a) Run a business.
(b) Keep a secret.
(c) Be an apprentice.
(d) Own property.

4. What unexpected act does Johannes undertake when he finally returns from Venice?
(a) He announces that he will begin a renovation of the Brandt house.
(b) He takes Nella into the bedroom to consummate their marriage.
(c) He takes Marin in a tight embrace.
(d) He takes Nella in a tight embrace.

5. When Nella discovers that Marin has been hiding a pregnancy, how soon does Nella believe the baby will arrive?
(a) She believes that the baby is nearly ready to arrive.
(b) She believes that the baby must be overdue.
(c) She believes that Marin is in her first trimester.
(d) She believes that Marin is in her second trimester.

6. What emotion does Nella admit feeling when she realizes that she will never engage in sexual activity within her marriage?
(a) Elation.
(b) Relief.
(c) Horror.
(d) Sadness.

7. What item does Nella put into her hair the night of Johannes's departure to Venice?
(a) Perfume.
(b) Powder.
(c) The flowers he had given her.
(d) A series of friendship braids.

8. Where does Nella place the Nella doll after putting something around its neck?
(a) On her real bed.
(b) In a kitchen drawer.
(c) In her apron pocket.
(d) On the miniature bed in the cabinet house.

9. What ritual does the narrator describe Amsterdammers taking part in on the first day of each year?
(a) Throwing the windows open.
(b) Dancing in the town square.
(c) Taking a dip in the river.
(d) Swimming in the ocean.

10. What kind of clock is in Nella's bedroom?
(a) A cuckoo clock.
(b) A golden pendulum clock.
(c) A silver pendulum clock.
(d) A brass pendulum clock.

11. Before going to visit the miniaturist at night, what item does Nella place around the Nella doll's tiny neck?
(a) The miniature key.
(b) The miniature scarf.
(c) The miniature rope.
(d) The miniature dog collar.

12. What does Nella announce aloud just before she goes out in the night to speak to the miniaturist?
(a) She says that she wishes for God to protect her.
(b) She says she means no harm.
(c) She summons her guardian angel.
(d) She says she is not frightened.

13. What metaphor does Marin use when telling Nella that she does not understand Marin or Johannes?
(a) The ship has sailed.
(b) The knot is tied too tight.
(c) The arrow does not quite hit the mark.
(d) A stitch in time saves nine.

14. Nella considers taking what action now that Jack has disappeared?
(a) Hiring a permanent nanny.
(b) Hiring a permanent doorman.
(c) Hiring a permanent cook.
(d) Hiring a permanent guard dog.

15. When Nella tells Johannes that she will miss him, he reminds her that she has which person for company?
(a) Otto.
(b) The miniaturist.
(c) Cornelia.
(d) Marin.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Johannes tell Nella about comfort?

2. What is NOT a way in which Marin's manner is described just after Frans's menacing announcement?

3. What holiday is the sixth of December in Seventeenth-Century Holland?

4. The narrator states that after the words greed and flood, what is "the worst word in the city's lexicon" (249)?

5. When Nella turns away from watching Johannes's barge leave, whom does she see standing by the bend of the canal?

(see the answer keys)

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