The Miniaturist Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Jessie Burton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Miniaturist Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Jessie Burton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Three: "Escape" - Part Four: "The Actor".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is the doll version of Johannes different from the real version, according to Nella?
(a) The doll's hair is longer than Johannes's hair.
(b) The doll is wearing glasses, while Johannes wears none.
(c) The doll is taller than Johannes, when adjusted for scale.
(d) Johannes has a kindly smile and the doll's smile is menacing.

2. What is Nella's reply to Marin's remark about hope?
(a) It is not to be wasted.
(b) It is dangerous.
(c) It is better than nothing.
(d) It is the only thing keeping people alive.

3. Nella remarks that she wants to ask "so many questions" (259) about Marin's pregnancy, but she does not ask any for what reason?
(a) She does not know where to start.
(b) She does not want to further upset Marin.
(c) She wants to wait until the trouble with Johannes is over.
(d) Marin is sobbing too hard to speak.

4. What object does Marin refer to as being "early to ripe, early to rot" (15) in reference to Nella's perfume?
(a) Gardenias.
(b) Lilies.
(c) Apples.
(d) Figs.

5. Johannes tells Nella that home is where what is?
(a) True identity.
(b) Comfort.
(c) Love.
(d) Support.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Marin says that the Brandts had sent their second best barge after Nella, whom does she say is using the family's best barge?

2. What is NOT an element Nella understands to be one of the terms of her new marriage?

3. Where does Marin say Johannes's homosexuality resides?

4. What reason does Nella cite to Johannes when he is touched by the item she has placed in her hair the night of his departure to Venice?

5. Before Johannes tries to flee Amsterdam, he tells Nella to guard and watch someone. Of whom is he speaking?

(see the answer key)

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