The Miniaturist Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Jessie Burton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Miniaturist Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Jessie Burton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Two: "Eight Dolls" - "Part Three: "Souls and Purses".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the first object through which Jack pushes his dagger while inside the Brandt house?
(a) A sheet.
(b) A painting.
(c) Rezeki's skull.
(d) Dhana's belly.

2. Over what action does Nella feel shame after she finds out that the miniaturist is a woman?
(a) For thinking of the miniaturist as an old man with a beard.
(b) For assuming that women cannot be craftspeople.
(c) For addressing the miniaturist as a Sir in her correspondence.
(d) For sending the miniaturist a bottle of cologne.

3. What item does the person taking a bath have sitting next to the bathtub that shocks Nella?
(a) Candied walnuts.
(b) A pipe.
(c) Bottles of liquor.
(d) A box of matches.

4. Marin tells Nella that women can do nothing, and that only if they are very lucky can they even do what?
(a) Retain their dignity.
(b) Please their husbands.
(c) Have children.
(d) Fix the mistakes others make.

5. When Marin decides that the cabinet house is too large to stay in the hall, where does she put it?
(a) In the conservatory.
(b) In Nella's room.
(c) In the best kitchen.
(d) In the parlor.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Marin's reply to the specific culinary request Nella makes upon her arrival at the Brandt house?

2. Marin threatens Nella, saying that if Nella leaves the cabinet house empty, she will turn Johannes's gift into a crime of what?

3. What holiday is the sixth of December in Seventeenth-Century Holland?

4. What physical injury does Marin inflict on Nella when she finds Nella snooping within the library?

5. When Johannes kisses Nella for the first time, what happens to interrupt their kiss?

(see the answer key)

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