The Midwife's Apprentice Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Midwife's Apprentice Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What comes and goes in Chapter 12?
(a) The Easter season.
(b) The harvest season.
(c) The summer.
(d) The Christmas season.

2. Why does Jane send Alyce to the cottage during Joan's labor?
(a) To wait for the doctor.
(b) For more supplies.
(c) To get some sleep.
(d) So Alyce can not see what Jane is doing.

3. How does Alyce react when she sees Jane arrive at the inn?
(a) She is concerned.
(b) She is overjoyed.
(c) She is scared.
(d) She is shocked.

4. What does Alyce do for the first time when Edwards tells her he wants to stay at the manor?
(a) She laughs.
(b) She cries.
(c) She dances.
(d) She smiles.

5. How does Alyce look upon her actions in Chapter 11?
(a) As a series of confusing actions.
(b) As a success.
(c) As an improvement.
(d) As a failure.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Alyce earn the young boy's devotion?

2. Why does Jane go to the manor in Chapter 9?

3. What does Alyce think about often while working at her new job in Chapter 12?

4. What job does Alyce do in Chapter 12?

5. What does Jennet think of Alyce?

Short Essay Questions

1. Whom does Alyce begin working for in Chapter 12?

2. What does Alyce threaten the boys who are tormenting Purr with in Chapter 9?

3. In Chapter 12, what does Alyce tell Reece is her only wish in life? What does she believe about achieving her goal?

4. What happens when Alyce arrives to help Emma Blunt give birth?

5. What does Alyce do after she is unable to help Emma Blunt give birth?

6. What comment does the cook at the manor house make about Alyce's appearance in Chapter 14?

7. Why does Jane tell Alyce to take over at Joan's delivery?

8. What does Alyce discover when she visits Tansy's calves in Chapter 10?

9. What must Alyce work up the courage to ask a man about in Chapter 13?

10. Who comes to the village looking for Alyce in Chapter 11 and why?

(see the answer keys)

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