The Midnight Club Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Midnight Club Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which term is the best word for describing what happened to Bear?
(a) Surprise.
(b) Ignorance.
(c) Ambush.
(d) Attack.

2. How long has Stef been wheelchair racing?
(a) 2 years.
(b) 1 year.
(c) 18 months.
(d) A few months.

3. How does Bear's death affect Stef's decision to remain a cop?
(a) It confuses the entire process for him.
(b) It reaffirms his commitment.
(c) It makes him decide to retire.
(d) It makes him rethink his decision.

4. Why isn't Stef worried about St.- Germain?
(a) He is wearing body armor.
(b) He has a sense that he is not around.
(c) He has the law on his side.
(d) He has back-up arranged.

5. Where does Parker arrange to meet with the man who recruited him?
(a) Police station.
(b) Allure.
(c) Central Park.
(d) Harlem.

6. What does Stef find in the secret room at the club?
(a) Pounds of drugs.
(b) Evidence that someone watched St.-Germain's murder.
(c) Hundreds of tapes.
(d) Nothing, it was emptied out by someone.

7. What reputation does St. - Germain have?
(a) Being heartless.
(b) Being unpredictable.
(c) Being vicious.
(d) Being ruthless.

8. What makes Sarah realize how lonely she has become?
(a) She wanders around a mall just for company.
(b) She cries in the arms of a stranger.
(c) She sits in her room doing nothing.
(d) She goes to her son's room to sleep at night.

9. Where do Parker and Jimmy Burke shoot Traficante?
(a) At a restaurant.
(b) On the street.
(c) In the hotel.
(d) In the court building.

10. How many children does Sarah have?
(a) 3.
(b) 1.
(c) 2.
(d) 0.

11. How does Stef feel watching the sexually oriented tapes with Sarah?
(a) Angry.
(b) Disgusted.
(c) Uncomfortable.
(d) Aroused.

12. What happens when Bear responds to the person who is calling his name?
(a) Someone shoots at him.
(b) The person calling his name tells him to duck.
(c) He is hit over the head.
(d) He is told to run away very fast.

13. How long ago did Parker's brother die?
(a) 2 years.
(b) 1 year.
(c) 2 months.
(d) 6 months.

14. How does Bear get to Stef's apartment?
(a) Walking.
(b) Taxi.
(c) Police cruiser.
(d) His own car.

15. Which of the following kind of doubts is Stef starting to have?
(a) Moral.
(b) Belief.
(c) Emotional.
(d) Motivational.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Stef shy away from Sarah as they work together to make dinner?

2. How does Stef spend his Saturday after Barnwell's death?

3. What was Sarah's successful book about?

4. Which of the following characters is considered John Stefanovitch'es nemesis?

5. How does Parker feel as he walks into the club where he is supposed to kill Barnwell?

(see the answer keys)

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