The Metaphysical Club: A Story of Ideas in America Test | Final Test - Medium

Louis Menand
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Metaphysical Club: A Story of Ideas in America Test | Final Test - Medium

Louis Menand
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Holmes greatest achievement was __________.
(a) His teaching appointments.
(b) A series of books on monogenism.
(c) His Civil War accomplishments.
(d) The lecture series 'The Common Law.'

2. In many societies in the early 20th Century the concept of ________ began to appear.
(a) Pragmatism.
(b) Social Darwinism.
(c) Elitism.
(d) Xenophobia.

3. Dewey started the laboratory school because he believed that Chicago public schools had a _________ on children.
(a) Depressive.
(b) Negative.
(c) Bias.
(d) Positive.

4. Dewey studied ________ philosophy under Morris while studying at Johns Hopkins.
(a) Sophic.
(b) Platonic.
(c) Hegelian.
(d) Aristotelian.

5. ___________ did not believe he was a pragmatist, even though he held many of the same beliefs.
(a) Benjamin Pierce.
(b) Oliver Holmes.
(c) W.E.B. Dubois.
(d) John Dewey.

Short Answer Questions

1. James asked his brother to stay with him after death to see if they could still ___________ after he was dead.

2. Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Staff created _______ in the poorest section of Chicago.

3. _________ was a good friend of John Dewey and helped him to see her perspective of people through her experience at the house.

4. James believed that reality operated in the following ways except _________.

5. _________, after initially giving up his identity as a Jew, regained his religion and came up with the dual identity theory.

Short Essay Questions

1. When Charles Pierce arrived at the school, what did he announce he was going to revive?

2. Why was the idea of pluralism not received well by those who heard about it?

3. Who are the two authors who both worked on a theory of pragmatism, though they were vastly different?

4. What would happen if Harper did not like something a teacher said during a lecture?

5. Why was the book, "The Process of Government," fairly obscure in the market?

6. Why was Cattell fired from Columbia University with the start of WWI?

7. What did Dewey and Holmes think about the idea of giving freedom to others?

8. Who created the University of Chicago though he stayed out of all areas except the financial area?

9. What did Dewey do after leaving the University of Michigan at the age of thirty-five?

10. What did Dewey believe about mind and reality in his time after leaving Chicago?

(see the answer keys)

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