The Mermaid's Sister Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Carrie Anne Noble
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mermaid's Sister Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Carrie Anne Noble
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 19-25.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 8 in Clara's dream when she is dressed as a boy, what does she carry that bounces against her leg?
(a) Magic wand.
(b) Cane.
(c) Walking stick.
(d) Sword.

2. In Chapter 9, how do Clara, Maren, and Auntie get a message from O'Neill?
(a) Wandering gypsy.
(b) Traveling peddler.
(c) Hawk.
(d) Raven.

3. In Chapter 13, why does O'Neill tell Clara that she is safe in the forest?
(a) Osbert will defend them.
(b) He and Scarff have a pact with the faerie folk.
(c) He has plenty of weapons.
(d) He and Scarff have a pact with the goblins.

4. Why does Dr. Phipps go to town in Chapter 20?
(a) Shave and a haircut.
(b) Food.
(c) Supplies.
(d) Bath and a shave.

5. In Chapter 17, what color are Jasper's eyes?
(a) Brown.
(b) Amber.
(c) Blue.
(d) Green.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 18 when the wagon stops, what does Clara see through the caravan window?

2. At the end of Chapter 17, what does Madame Soraya say it might costs O'Neill, Clara, and Maren to repay their debts to the Phipps family?

3. In Chapter 17, what is Jasper's middle name?

4. In Chapter 23, what does Clara mend?

5. At the beginning of Chapter 14, what do the travelers eat when they camp?

(see the answer key)

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