The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Ricci became a missionary in China during the 16th century, why were the Chinese eager to learn?
(a) They want to be role models to their children.
(b) They want to be able to read and understand the Bible.
(c) They want to pass their exams to get better jobs.
(d) They want to be able to read and write in two languages.

2. During the Renaissance, on what did the Jesuits depend financially to support themselves and their missionaries?
(a) The donations of generous Catholics who believed in the missionary work of the Jesuits.
(b) The success of international trade.
(c) The support of the Catholic Church in Rome.
(d) The profit from the books of Jesuit sermons.

3. What was the meaning of the third idiograph chosen by Ricci?
(a) Profit.
(b) Gain.
(c) Loss.
(d) Benefit.

4. What were the meanings of the two new idiographs made when Ricci split the second idiograph down the middle?
(a) Grain and blade.
(b) Profit and loss.
(c) Blade and knife.
(d) Gain and benefit.

5. What does the first picture depict in the series of prints that made up the third picture, "The Men of Sodom"?
(a) God blinding the men of Sodom when they try to rape the angels.
(b) God promising to destroy Sodom because of its wickedness.
(c) Lot's daughters get Lot drunk and sleep with him in order to continue their family line.
(d) Lot, Lot's wife, and their two daughters running away from the city before it is destroyed.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the state of Ricci's financial situation during most of his time in China?

2. How did Ricci intend to use the third picture, "The Men of Sodom"?

3. According to "Chapter Seven, The Third Picture: The Men of Sodom", which of these is NOT one of the things that Ricci appreciated in China?

4. During the 16th century, how did the way Ignatius Loyola wanted students to learn affect Matteo Ricci?

5. When Ricci was a missionary in 16th century China, what was one way he used music to impress the Chinese?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did Ricci wish he had more money?

2. What did the Jesuits in China allow the Chinese to believe about Mary?

3. What was happening to the commercial side of life at this time?

4. What did Ignatius Loyola encourage the Jesuits to publish in 1559.

5. What was the fourth ideograph and image that Ricci placed in the Memory Palace?

6. According to "Chapter Seven, The Third Picture: The Men of Sodom", what is the image in the third picture?

7. What was Ricci's attitude toward Buddhism?

8. According to "Chapter Eight, The Fourth Image: The Fourth Picture", what was the relationship between Matteo Ricci and Girolamo Costa?

9. According to "Chapter Six, The Third Image: Profit and Harvest", what were some of the gifts that Ricci was able to give the Chinese?

10. According to "Chapter Six, The Third Image: Profit and Harvest", what was the third Chinese character that Ricci use and what did he do with it?

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