The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On this trip in 1578, what skills did Ricci develop?
(a) Foreign languages and painting.
(b) Engineering and sailing.
(c) Mapmaking and navigating through bad weather.
(d) Astronomy and alchemy.

2. Who was the charismatic missionary to India who aimed to inspire the Asian missions of the Jesuits?
(a) Alessandro Valignano.
(b) Francesco Martines.
(c) Ignatius Loyola.
(d) Louis Pellicano.

3. What did this person who appeared in Ricci's most significant dream tell him to do?
(a) Begin preaching in Peking.
(b) Learn the Chinese language.
(c) Establish a mission in Shanghai.
(d) Set up an orphanage in Zhaoqing.

4. What did the Chinese seem to prefer in its military?
(a) Diplomacy and nationalism over expansion.
(b) Expansion over diplomacy and nationalism.
(c) Pomp and circumstance over actual combat.
(d) Actual combat over pomp and circumstance.

5. When Ricci was a missionary, what religion was he startled to learn was practiced by some Chinese?
(a) Judaism.
(b) Paganism.
(c) Protestantism.
(d) Mormonism.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of map did Ricci print in 1602?

2. According to "Chapter Four, The Second Image: The Huihui", what concerned some Jesuits, including Ricci?

3. According to the charismatic Jesuit missionary, whose mixture of "cruelty, dignity, depravity, and hypocrisy" would prevent them from truly living the faith?

4. What effect did the Japanese threat have on Ricci?

5. With whom were Macerata's rural poor fighting?

Short Essay Questions

1. According to "Chapter Four, The Second Image: The Huihui", what is the second idiograph that Ricci chose for a memory image and why did he choose it?

2. Does the author know with certainty where Ricci picked up the idea of mnemonic devices?

3. What were conditions in Ricci's home city of Macerata when he was a young boy?

4. Describe the first picture, "The Apostle in the Waves" that Ricci used to instruct the Chinese.

5. How did Ricci use Chinese ideograph did Ricci use for his first image?

6. About what did Ricci's Chinese Christian converts complain?

7. According to the author Jonathan D. Spence, how did the Chinese view the use of mnemonic devices?

8. How and why did Ricci display his spirit of ecumenism in China?

9. What were Ricci's rules for picking a location to store the information?

10. What did Ricci need the new image associated with the first picture "The Apostle in the Waves" to represent?

(see the answer keys)

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