The Memory of Old Jack Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Memory of Old Jack Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What makes some people skeptical about Andy's future plans?
(a) They think college is a waste of time.
(b) They think that going to the city will make him lose his common sense.
(c) They don't think he should abandon his parents.
(d) They think that he has a responsibility to stay and tend to the land.

2. What is the best description of Jack's relationship with Will Wells?
(a) They spoke a lot about their personal lives to one another.
(b) They had an instinctual knowledge of what one another was doing.
(c) Will liked Jack, but Jack did not like Will.
(d) They hated one another.

3. How does Mat describe his relationship with Jack?
(a) Jack has always been there for Mat when he needed him.
(b) Jack and Mat have always been competitive with one another.
(c) Jack has not been a good friend to Mat.
(d) Jack and Mat were inseperable for a time.

4. What was Ruth's character like?
(a) Pessimistic and despondent.
(b) Dishonest.
(c) Conservative and proper.
(d) Immoral.

5. After Will leaves, who does Jack hire?
(a) No one.
(b) Sim.
(c) A man who remains unnamed by the author.
(d) Mat.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Mat extends his invitation to Jack, what does Jack do?

2. What happens after Will leaves?

3. Why did Jack get frustrated with Will?

4. As Jack walks along after leaving the store, he recalls being a man of what age?

5. What does Jack do after their daughter is born?

Short Essay Questions

1. How would Jack feel after his nights off?

2. What happens when Jack is brought out of his memories and into the present?

3. What is a horse breaker and what is Jack's experience with it?

4. How did Jack end up getting to know the person he noticed during church, and what was their future relationship?

5. What was Jack's relationship with his father like?

6. What was Jack's relationship with Ben Feltner?

7. As the book opens, what does Jack remember about mules as he stands on the porch listening to Mat call the cows?

8. What happened to Jack's horses and wagon during the storm that occured while he was in town trying to buy flour?

9. What is Jack's relationship with Hannah Coultner like?

10. What happened when Jack went into the room right after Ruth gave birth to their son?

(see the answer keys)

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