The Memory of Old Jack Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Memory of Old Jack Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jack's lawyer inform Jack's tenant when he arrives on the farm?
(a) That the farm is going to Clara.
(b) That the farm is going to be given to Mat.
(c) That Jack wanted the tenant to buy the farm at half price after his death.
(d) That the farm land is going to be donated to a developer in town.

2. How old was Jack when Ruth suffered her heart attack?
(a) 75.
(b) 90.
(c) 45.
(d) 50.

3. The day after the service, what does Mat do?
(a) Drives home from Clara's house.
(b) Hangs out in town talking about Jack.
(c) Cries all day.
(d) Goes back to work.

4. How does Jack feel about television?
(a) It is an annoyance.
(b) He never turns it off.
(c) He loves it.
(d) He could take it or leave it.

5. When Ruth learned about Jack's new relationship with Rose, what was her reaction?
(a) Ruth was thrilled.
(b) Ruth was hurt.
(c) Ruth was happy because she knew that the new business arrangement would give them more money.
(d) She didn't care.

6. Who are the people who gather on Jack's farm in the Epilogue?
(a) The men of Port William.
(b) Only women from town.
(c) Men and women from town.
(d) Only family members.

7. How does Jack remember the years following Rose's absence?
(a) They were chaotic after she left the business.
(b) He was relieved to be finished with the affair.
(c) The years following her death were passed in sadness and darkness.
(d) The details are fuzzy.

8. Where is Andy from?
(a) Cincinnati.
(b) Port William.
(c) A nearby town.
(d) Louisville.

9. What was the relationship between Jack and Glad?
(a) Business-like.
(b) Deep.
(c) Friendly.
(d) Superficial.

10. What did Mat ask to have read during the funeral?
(a) Poetry.
(b) Psalms.
(c) Proverbs.
(d) A eulogy.

11. When does the accident occur that changes Jack's feelings about Rose?
(a) During a tornado.
(b) During a hurricane.
(c) During a snowstorm.
(d) During a flood.

12. How did the townspeople find out about the change in relationship between Jack and Rose?
(a) Mat walked around and told the entire town.
(b) Their new business was announced in the paper.
(c) They made little attempt to conceal the relationship.
(d) Jack's wife told everyone about their new relationship.

13. What is the best description of Rose and Jack's interaction with one another?
(a) There was an unspoken attraction between the two of the them.
(b) Their interactions were strictly business like.
(c) Jack hated her, but Rose liked him.
(d) Jack gossiped about her along with the rest of the people in the town, so they did not talk to one another.

14. What object does Jack's lawyer see that has a picture of Jack's hero on it?
(a) A coffee mug.
(b) A poster.
(c) A newspaper clipping.
(d) A cigarette carton.

15. What was Glad Pettit's occupation?
(a) Farmer.
(b) Peddler.
(c) Banker.
(d) Lawyer.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Mat finds out that Jack hasn't completed his normal morning routine, what does Mat do?

2. What does Mat do in his backyard on the night after Jack's service?

3. What made Clara not feel at home in Port William any more?

4. When friends and family begin to worry about Jack living on his own, where does Jack go?

5. How did Jack's feelings toward Rose change after the accident?

(see the answer keys)

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