The Memory of Old Jack Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Memory of Old Jack Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Hannah Coulter consider her family's life a work in progress?
(a) Their plans come to fruition as time and money allow.
(b) They don't have enough workers to help them keep up with the farm.
(c) She keeps having babies.
(d) They keep having setbacks.

2. Why is Jack fond of Hannah?
(a) He is attracted to her.
(b) She is very intelligent.
(c) He sees something in her that he wishes he had in his life.
(d) She has a good head for business.

3. What are Andy's plans?
(a) He is going to own the town store.
(b) Jack is going to sell Andy some land.
(c) Andy is going to get married.
(d) He is going off to college.

4. What is a horse breaker?
(a) A rancher who can separate a large group of wild horses.
(b) A veterinary specialist who kills horses that are dying.
(c) A person who trains a horse and makes it fit for whatever kind of work it is supposed to do.
(d) Someone who teaches people to saddle horses.

5. What happened to Hannah Coulter's first husband?
(a) Died during World War I.
(b) Died of typhoid fever.
(c) Left her for another woman.
(d) Died during World War II.

6. How did Jack feel about the mules?
(a) He was ashamed of them.
(b) He felt like they were a burden.
(c) He was proud of them.
(d) He didn't really need them.

7. What invitation does Mat extend to Jack once in the store?
(a) Move in with he and Margaret.
(b) Become his partner in business.
(c) Eat dinner with his family.
(d) Buy a piece of his land to add to the farm.

8. How did Jack's family feel about the Civil War?
(a) They believed strongly in the institution of slavery.
(b) They were vehemently opposed to slavery.
(c) They had little stake in keeping slavery around, but fought to defend the South from the North.
(d) They wanted the South to win because they needed slaves to work their land.

9. Why was Ruth disappointed with Jack?
(a) She dreamed of a wealthy and successful husband and he was content with what he had.
(b) He wasn't as handsome as she would have liked.
(c) He had a closer relationship with his mother than with her.
(d) She dreamed of a very smart husband.

10. After Mat extends his invitation to Jack, what does Jack do?
(a) Leaves the store.
(b) Returns to his conversation with the men.
(c) Returns to his memories about his wife, Nancy.
(d) Returns to his memories about his wife, Ruth.

11. When Mat goes to Lightning's house, what does he tell Lightning to do?
(a) Take the tractor and the wagon and help out some others.
(b) Look through the papers of the business.
(c) Go back to Mat's house and help out with Jack.
(d) Find his wife and go into town.

12. Where does Hannah take her children?
(a) To Jack's house.
(b) To Will's house.
(c) To Nancy's house.
(d) To Mat's house.

13. When his memory at the beginning of the book is over, where does Jack go?
(a) Ben Felter's store.
(b) Inside his house.
(c) Jasper Lathrope's store.
(d) Nancy's house.

14. What does Ruth tell Jack after their daughter is born?
(a) She is leaving him.
(b) She will stay married to him, but she wants to go live with her sister.
(c) She doesn't want any more children.
(d) She wishes their daughter would have been stillborn as well.

15. As Chapter 3 begins, who does Jack think of?
(a) Ben.
(b) Nancy.
(c) Mat.
(d) Ruth.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the names of Hannah Coulter's children?

2. What happens after Will leaves?

3. What did Jack do during his time off?

4. What physical gesture does Mat make toward Jack once in the store?

5. What does Jack do after the dinner in Chapter 5?

(see the answer keys)

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