The Memoirs of Cleopatra: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Margaret George
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Memoirs of Cleopatra: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Margaret George
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Caesarion disappointed with his image depicted in a temple at Dendera?
(a) He isn't smiling.
(b) His nose is too big.
(c) He looks too small.
(d) It looks nothing like him.

2. How does Herod greet Cleopatra when she arrives to see him?
(a) He is "Herod, King of the Jews."
(b) He is "Cleopatra's Salvation."
(c) He is "Caesar's Successor."
(d) He is "Octavian's Nemesis."

3. Why are the dead bodies from the plague cremated?
(a) It is the custom in Egypt.
(b) To get rid of the disease.
(c) No one wants to touch them.
(d) There are too many to bury.

4. What is another issue that Octavia uses to undermine Antony's power in Rome?
(a) His wish to be buried with Cleopatra in Egypt.
(b) His part in the plot to kill Caesar.
(c) His Spanish wife.
(d) His theft from the Roman treasury.

5. What does Antony ask that Cleopatra bring to him?
(a) Horses.
(b) Soldiers.
(c) The children.
(d) Money.

6. What does the ambassador of Median offer up in exchange for a friendly relationship with Egypt?
(a) His daughter's betrothal to Alexander.
(b) A huge sum of money.
(c) A peace treaty.
(d) One half of his lands.

7. What is Antony's first question to Cleopatra when he sees her?
(a) If she has recovered from childbirth.
(b) How much money she brought with her.
(c) If she still loves him.
(d) If she wants a divorce.

8. What is Alexander's overall personality?
(a) Shy.
(b) Exuberant.
(c) Quiet.
(d) Retiring.

9. Cleopatra believes that she is ___________________ mentioned in the Sibylline Leaves.
(a) the widow of Caesar.
(b) the immortal beloved.
(c) the Roman Emperor.
(d) the Messiah.

10. Marc Antony tells Cleopatra that Caesar left her out of his will because ______________________.
(a) she was not a Roman.
(b) she could take care of herself.
(c) she had betrayed him.
(d) she was not his wife.

11. Because of his public works projects, many people are calling Octavian _______________.
(a) Caesar.
(b) Antony.
(c) Aurelius.
(d) Gaius.

12. What potion does Olympos urge Cleopatra to drink?
(a) One that will cure hiccups.
(b) One that will abort her child.
(c) One that will improve stamina.
(d) One that will help her sleep.

13. What is the cause of Antony's depression in Chapter 68?
(a) His advancing age.
(b) Octavian's betrayal.
(c) Trouble with Cleopatra.
(d) He has a terminal illness.

14. When Cleopatra goes to Antony in the fishing village, she sees a bad wound on what part of his body?
(a) Flank.
(b) Thigh.
(c) Neck.
(d) Hand.

15. Why does Marc Antony send a message to Cleopatra?
(a) She must answer charges about her role in Caesar's murder.
(b) To request help from her armies.
(c) To make a personal visit.
(d) To request a diplomatic audience with her.

Short Answer Questions

1. Marc Antony says that he and Cleopatra are like _____________________.

2. Why does Cleopatra send Olympos to Rome?

3. Where does Cleopatra meet Antony in Chapter 54?

4. What do Antony's men burn in order to keep them out of Roman hands?

5. What does Cleopatra initially decide about a relationship with Marc Antony?

(see the answer keys)

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