The Medical Detectives Test | Final Test - Medium

Berton Roueché
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Medical Detectives Test | Final Test - Medium

Berton Roueché
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What caused others to see that Sandy was ill during a public performance with others?
(a) She began to babble incoherently.
(b) She fainted.
(c) She couldn't walk straight.
(d) She vomited.

2. Mr. Huckleby began to feed his animals a mixture of _________ and discarded seed grain from a local supplier.
(a) Garbage.
(b) Beans.
(c) Pig parts.
(d) Corn.

3. When did Betty's husband come up to the cottage in order to spend the weekend with her?
(a) Sunday.
(b) Monday.
(c) Friday.
(d) Saturday.

4. The _______ from the infected animals came from the wet fur of the dogs when they came inside to shake themselves off.
(a) Teeth.
(b) Hairs.
(c) Saliva.
(d) Skin.

5. What happened when Sara continued the treatments for her rash?
(a) The rash went away.
(b) Sara decided to stop treatment.
(c) The rash spread.
(d) Sara became mentally confused.

Short Answer Questions

1. Dr. Taylor began to think there was a/an _________ among the babies since everyone was diagnosed with the same disease.

2. What was the only thing Rudy was able to eat, but only in very small amounts?

3. What did Natalie decide to keep when she was admitted to the psychiatric hospital?

4. Doctors believe the initial exposure to copper for Sara might have been in __________ she wore.

5. What is not one of the causes of hepatitis, according to research and medical findings?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was the initial named cause for the random cases of pneumonia that turned up for guests at a house party at Martha's Vineyard?

2. What did the school officials begin to believe was the cause of the illnesses that were coming up in the student population?

3. What were the treatments that were begun on the contact dermatitis, though these treatments were not successful?

4. How did the doctor end up treating this case of the blue hands, allowing the patient's hands to be normal color again?

5. What does the chapter say seems to be a primary cause of sensitization of patients to metals?

6. Why wasn't Betty's husband experiencing any of the symptoms that she was?

7. What was odd about Richard's case of hyperthyroidism, which baffled doctors?

8. How is infectious hepatitis usually passed from one person to another, according to the book?

9. What were the initial symptoms that Betty Page experienced, leading her to seek out medical treatment?

10. What is the problem for patients who are suffering from Wilson's disease, according to the book?

(see the answer keys)

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