The Mauritius Command Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mauritius Command Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the squadron do after the ships were separated?
(a) Go to French Guinea.
(b) Return to England.
(c) Return to Cape Town.
(d) Return to Rodriquez.

2. What does Aubrey do with some of his ships before going to Rodriquez?
(a) Sent to Mauritius.
(b) Sent back to Cape Town.
(c) Sent to La Reunion.
(d) Left to blockade the French.

3. Why is the Groper sacrificed?
(a) To be a temporary breakwater.
(b) To blow up the garrison.
(c) To take civilians off the island.
(d) To draw the French out.

4. Where did Pym do his raid?
(a) Near Ponte du Diable.
(b) Near Mauritius.
(c) Near Carolinia.
(d) Near Cape Town.

5. What do Maturin and McAdam continue to do?
(a) Trying to get Clonfert out of the navy.
(b) Disscuss Clonfert's treatment.
(c) Being friends.
(d) Trying to get off their addictions.

6. Where does Maturin decide to go?
(a) Rodriguez.
(b) French Guinea.
(c) Mauritius.
(d) Vienna.

7. How much damage did Clonfert's ship receive?
(a) Moderate.
(b) None.
(c) Heavy.
(d) Light.

8. Who captains Iphigenia?
(a) Carson.
(b) Stole.
(c) Lambert.
(d) Blakely.

9. What was a decisive blow in favor of England?
(a) Taking the head French admiral captive.
(b) Capture of two French islands.
(c) Destroying the entire French fleet.
(d) Blowing up the garrison at Mauritius.

10. What happens when Corbett engages the French by himself?
(a) Africaine is damaged and captured.
(b) He recaptures two ships.
(c) He is sunk.
(d) He sinks three French ships.

11. What does McAdam call a dugong?
(a) A whale.
(b) A shark.
(c) A type of dolphin.
(d) A manatee.

12. What naval news arrives at Cape Town?
(a) Rodriquez was over run by the French.
(b) The capture and re-capture of various ships.
(c) France's surrender.
(d) Mauritius had been taken.

13. To where does Aubrey move his flag?
(a) Nereide.
(b) Otter.
(c) Wasp.
(d) Boadicea.

14. Why does Pym delay a third English frigate?
(a) To wait for Aubrey.
(b) To hold back a reserve force.
(c) To stagger the fighting.
(d) To draw his ship off the ground.

15. What does the armed merchant ship do when Aubrey asks for help?
(a) It refuses.
(b) It pretends it didn't get the message.
(c) It comes immediately.
(d) It gets there too late.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long are the French ships blockaded in port?

2. What do the French do?

3. What has Maturin's propaganda done to the locals?

4. Who commands the Groper?

5. How much laudanum does Maturin use?

(see the answer keys)

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