The Masterpiece Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

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The Masterpiece Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Claude told not to bring Christine to the Thursday night dinners?

2. What are the paintings that repulse Christine in Claude's studio?

3. Who are the late comers for Sandoz's Thursday soiree?

4. What does Bongrand say is better than being at the top?

5. How does Claude behave around Christine?

Short Essay Questions

1. How have the fortunes turned for Irma Bécot?

2. Discuss the Salon des Refusés.

3. What is another evidence of how the Open air group is drifting apart?

4. Describe the irony when Christine finally agrees to walk with Claude in public.

5. Describe Claude's continuing struggle to be accepted by the art circles in Paris.

6. How does Claude hurt Christine deeply with his complaint about her dinner?

7. When Naudet shows up at Bongrand's studio, why does he refuse to sell him his paintings?

8. How do praise and laughter demonstrate Claude's personal insecurities at the Salon des Refusés?

9. Describe the friendship between Claude, Sandoz, and Dubuche.

10. Describe how Claude begins to change his attitude toward living in the country.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Write an essay of at least two typed, double-spaced pages on the topic of Foreshadowing Claude's Death. In Chapter 11, there are passages where Sandoz fears for Claude's life, Christine has a "dread she dared not put into words," and Claude recognizes "desire hovering on the brink of blissful death." With those as the main points of the essay, write about what each of them means as a foreshadowing.

Essay Topic 2

Write an essay of at least two typed, double-spaced pages on the topic of contradictory moral values during the 19th century. Use Henriette and Christine versus Irma and Mathilde to point out these contradictions. Be sure to include how Christine manages to maintain her moral character even though she lives many years with Claude before they are married. Also include how Irma is tolerated in polite society whereas Christine is the subject of gossip and condemnation.

Essay Topic 3

Write an essay of at least two typed, double-spaced pages on the topic of Jacques as Possibly Autistic. Re-read the passage in the middle of Chapter 8 where Jacques keeps repeating "nice cat, naughty cat." Discuss his behavior as possibly being that of an autistic child. Include in the essay both Claude's and Christine's reactions to the scene as people who do not know how to deal with such a child. Conclude with Jacques's reaction to Claude's outburst. Autism was not a recognizable disability in the 19th century, so is this possibly Zola's observation of such behavior without giving it a name?

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