The Masterpiece Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Masterpiece Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When was the beginnings of the Bohemian lifestyle of Claude and Pierre?
(a) after they met Delacroix.
(b) when they moved to Paris.
(c) during their school days.
(d) after they were rejected by the École des Beaux-Arts.

2. How long does Christine stay away after her first return visit to Claude's studio?
(a) a year.
(b) several months.
(c) two days.
(d) three weeks.

3. What strange commission does Claude get from Malgras?
(a) a still life painting of a lobster
(b) a still life painting of books.
(c) a painting of ducks.
(d) a small painting of Christine.

4. Beside the clothed man and the naked women, what are the people criticizing?
(a) his use of the color blue to indicate daylight.
(b) his oddly shaped trees.
(c) his savage color combinations.
(d) his heavy brush strokes.

5. What is the subject of Fagerolles's latest painting?
(a) a clown on a highwire.
(b) a clothed man and a nude woman.
(c) blue poplars and mauve ground.
(d) an actress looking in the mirror.

Short Answer Questions

1. What works are shown in the Salon des Refusés?

2. As the novel opens, what is the condition of the weather?

3. What problem do Sandoz and Dubuche have with Claude's Open Air painting?

4. Where does Claude go for a cheap lunch?

5. What does Mahoudeau tell Claude there is little market for these days?

Short Essay Questions

1. How have the fortunes turned for Irma Bécot?

2. What is Claude's goal for gaining acceptance of his art?

3. What is the pathos of Claude's funeral?

4. How has Fagerolles become swallowed up by the commercial world of art?

5. What indicates that Claude would be perfectly happy just to see Christine from time to time rather than have her move in with him?

6. In what way is Christine's response to their love making a believable part of the story?

7. How does the reader understand that Claude earns a subsistence?

8. Why is Claude told not to bring Christine to the Thursday night gatherings?

9. What is another evidence of how the Open air group is drifting apart?

10. Discuss the Salon des Refusés.

(see the answer keys)

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