The Masterpiece Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

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The Masterpiece Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 6, Part 1.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What makes Claude and Sandoz become exasperated with stupidity of the crowd?
(a) the sound of laughter.
(b) the pushing and shoving.
(c) people eating in the Salon.
(d) their apparent lack of taste.

2. Why does Claude go into one of his rages after Christine leaves?
(a) because he had not taken advantage of her.
(b) because of the effect she had on him.
(c) because he lost the early morning light to paint by.
(d) because he cannot find anything she had put away.

3. What are the paintings that repulse Christine in Claude's studio?
(a) the scary themes.
(b) the nude women.
(c) the nude men.
(d) the distorted faces.

4. Why is Christine able to come to Paris from Passy?
(a) her employer gives her time off.
(b) she has no contract with her employer.
(c) she slips out after her employer goes to bed.
(d) she carries the mail for her employer.

5. What is the condition of the clothes the young artists wear?
(a) purely rustic country style clothing.
(b) stuffily overdone.
(c) down at the heel boots and threadbare jackets.
(d) formal attire even in the daytime.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Claude and Christine visit after they find an old boat?

2. How does the young woman want to sleep?

3. What famous artist joins the group at Pierre's house?

4. What happens when the young woman wakes up?

5. What is Claude thinking about as he walks home late at night?

(see the answer key)

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