The Masterpiece Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

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The Masterpiece Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 11, Part 1.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the former shepherd from near Plassans whose patron sent him to Paris?
(a) Chaîne.
(b) Dubuche.
(c) Malgras.
(d) Mahoudeau.

2. How does Christine began to feel about her relationship with Claude?
(a) that she made a mistake falling in love with Claude.
(b) that she is playing second fiddle to a painting.
(c) that she knows how to get him back.
(d) that she has grown tired and ugly.

3. What reawakens in Claude and Sandoz with their renewed friendship?
(a) their old desire for fame.
(b) their sense of competition.
(c) their need for nature hikes.
(d) their old doubts about their work.

4. Because it is Thursday, what event will take place in the evening?
(a) a lecture at the Beaux-Arts.
(b) dinner at Pierre's house.
(c) the meeting of the Salon.
(d) fireworks on the Seine.

5. Why does Claude at first not find his painting of the Dead Child?
(a) it is hung near the exit in dim light.
(b) it is hung in a hallway.
(c) it is hung very high over large canvases.
(d) it is hung in a small room where almost no one goes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mahoudeau tell Claude there is little market for these days?

2. How does Claude often see himself artistically?

3. What do Sandoz and Dubuche see in Claude's studio that captures their attention?

4. Why has Dubuche been exiled to his father-in-law's home in the country?

5. Now that Sandoz is married, what role does his wife, Henriette, play in the household?

(see the answer key)

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