The Master Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Master Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old had Henry been when he first visited Rome?

2. What did Henry give a moving speech about at a party in Rome?

3. What had Henry's friend, Edward Warren, offered to do for Henry?

4. Where did Henry spend time that summer in Chapter 6?

5. Where in Rome did Henry attend a party?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Henry's mother keep Henry out of the Civil War and how does Henry respond to this?

2. What does Florence Lett's daughter do and what effect does it have on Henry?

3. To whom does Henry introduce Constance and where; what is the result?

4. Who visits Henry again and again as Henry prepares to leave London and what does he ask Henry to recount to him?

5. Who does Henry bring along with him from London to continue in his hire?

6. Who suggested to Henry's father, after his attack, that he should read a certain philosopher's writings; who was the philosopher and what effect did it have on Henry's father?

7. What morbid thought comes to Henry when he envisions his life in Lamb House in Rye?

8. What transpires when Hendrick visits Henry at Lamb House?

9. Who helps Henry choose furnishings for his house and what problem develops with that person?

10. Which story did Henry decide to submit to which publication and which character in the story started to take on a life of her own, developing in ways Henry had not originally intended?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

1) Who is Burgess Noakes? Describe him.

2) What problem does Henry have with his servants , the Smiths and how does he finally resolve it?

3) How would Constance have resolved the problem with the Smiths? How would Alice, his sister-in-law handled the problem?

4) Choose one of the three topics to write on.

Essay Topic 2

1) Where does Henry's family originally come from in Ireland? How does Webster insult Henry about his family?

2) Describe the costume ball that Lady Wolseley puts on during Henry's visit? Who does Mrs. Webster dress as? Who does Mona dreaa as?

3) Who is Mona? What upsets Henry concerning her?

4) Choose one of the three topics and write on it.

Essay Topic 3

1) In the beginning of the book Henry has a dream. Describe the dream. Where does it take place? Which of Henry's relatives are in it? What is Henry's reaction to it?

2) What does Henry like about having a play of his produced? What is his relationship to the actors taking parts in his play? What hopes does he have for it and for being a playwright rather than a novelist?

3) Compare Henry's play to Oscar Wilde's play. How do the audiences of the different plays react?

4) Choose one of the three topics to write on.

(see the answer keys)

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