The Master Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Master Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Henry's dog's name?
(a) King
(b) George
(c) Maximilian
(d) Bruno

2. What peculiar physical mannerism did Mrs. Florence Lett exhibit as she sat in Henry's drawing room?
(a) She rolled her eyes all the time.
(b) She moved her foot back and forth quickly.
(c) She made different passionate facial expressions
(d) She held her pinky up straight while drinking her tea.

3. What did Bob want to do?
(a) open a dry goods store
(b) become an accountant
(c) be a farmer
(d) be a fisherman

4. Constance had a letter of introduction from whom which she gave Henry?
(a) from his brother, William
(b) from Minny Temple's sister, Sarah
(c) from Minny Temple's sister, Henrietta
(d) from his aunt Kate

5. Who did Henry visit in Marseilles?
(a) Peter Bourget and his wife Claire
(b) Paul Bourget and his wife
(c) Pierre Boulet and his wife
(d) Henri Bourgis and his wife

Short Answer Questions

1. Where in Rome did Henry attend a party?

2. Who became a regular visitor of Henry's while he was preparing to leave London?

3. What problem does Henry have with the Smiths which forces him to fire them?

4. What are Hendrik and Henry celebrating when they have dinner at Hendrik's favorite restaurant?

5. Where do Henry and Hendrik go on one of the only sunny days during Hendrik's visit to Lamb House?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was Henry's guest, Lily Norton, like and what did they have in common?

2. What transpires when Hendrick visits Henry at Lamb House?

3. What happens that develops a relationship between Henry and Mrs. Smith that's too intimate for a boss and his servant?

4. Which of Henry's brothers gives a speech; where is it given and about what?

5. Who does Henry bring along with him from London to continue in his hire?

6. To whom does Henry introduce Constance and where; what is the result?

7. What morbid thought comes to Henry when he envisions his life in Lamb House in Rye?

8. Who does Henry hire at the beginning of Chapter 6 and why?

9. Where did the James family move and what brought about Henry's first breakthrough in his writing at the end of Chapter 7?

10. Where does Constance go after Florence and what is also upsetting to Constance besides her depression?

(see the answer keys)

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