The Master Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Master Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was Lord Alfred Douglas?
(a) a homosexual friend who slept with Wilde's boys after he did
(b) Wilde's cousin
(c) Lord Wolseley's cousin
(d) Henry's friend and patron

2. What is the dilemma of the main character in Henry's play?
(a) whether to carry on the family line or join a monastery
(b) whether to marry his true love or marry a wealthy woman
(c) whether to become a novelist or a businessman
(d) whether to travel to America or remain in Europe

3. What did Yeats tell Gosse about Oscar Wilde's house and family?
(a) his house, wife and children were warm, perfect and beautiful
(b) his house was forbidding, his wife and children ordinary
(c) his house was ordinary, his family introverted and fearful
(d) his house was small and unimposing, his family unattractive

4. With what poet's sister did Henry compare Alice?
(a) Lydia Shelly
(b) Mary Burns
(c) Dorothy Wordsworth
(d) Emily Keats

5. How did Henry like to be seen as a writer by people?
(a) as a popular, rich success
(b) as a writer who would be known as a genius in the future
(c) as a playwright not a novelist
(d) as a noble, selfless non-materialist devoted to his art

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Henry answer when Hammond asked where his loyalty would lie if there were a war between Great Britain and the U.S.?

2. How did Henry treat the actors in his play?

3. When did Henry James Senior die?

4. Who is the love of Oscar Wilde's life?

5. Who was Lord Houghton?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was Symonds' wife like?

2. Describe the mutual friend, John Addington Symonds, whom Henry and Gosse discuss after the trial.

3. What is his play GUY DOMVILLE about?

4. Who is Mr. Webster and how does he interact with Henry?

5. Who was Gus Barker?

6. What does Henry discover about Alice when they're caught in the rain in Newport?

7. How was Princess Casamassima a double portrait of Henry's sister, Alice?

8. What does Holmes talk about with Henry's brother, William, and not with Henry?

9. What does Oscar Wilde's wife do because of the scandal and trial of Wilde?

10. What was the reception of Henry's play in comparison with the reception of Oscar Wilde's play?

(see the answer keys)

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