The Master Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Master Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Gosse say Wilde's children looked like?
(a) beggar children
(b) angels
(c) leprechauns
(d) hoodlums

2. What was the adjective one of the Wolseleys' guests used over and over again in discussing the characters in Henry's novels and in George Eliot's novels.
(a) blank
(b) boring
(c) sensitive
(d) intelligent

3. Who was the person Alice disliked and lived below her in London?
(a) a novelist
(b) a clergyman
(c) a prim English woman
(d) a nurse

4. Describe Alice, Henry's younger sister.
(a) She was healthy and very athletic.
(b) She was in ill health but stoic.
(c) She was a robust, happy girl.
(d) She was pretty but shallow.

5. Where did Henry go on the opening night of his play?
(a) He went to a restaurant and drank.
(b) He attended Oscar Wilde's new play.
(c) He went for a walk in the park.
(d) He went to the opera.

6. In what century is the play set?
(a) eighteenth century
(b) seventeenth century
(c) sixteenth century
(d) nineteenth century

7. Who is Gus Barker?
(a) a cousin of the Temple sisters, killed in the Civil War
(b) a fellow student of William's at Harvard
(c) Henry's father's best friend
(d) another of Minny's suitors

8. What did Henry like about Holmes Jr.?
(a) his wordiness and bursts of sermon-like phrases
(b) his honesty and forthrightness
(c) his intellectuality and solemness
(d) his steadfast friendship

9. What is the dilemma of the main character in Henry's play?
(a) whether to carry on the family line or join a monastery
(b) whether to become a novelist or a businessman
(c) whether to marry his true love or marry a wealthy woman
(d) whether to travel to America or remain in Europe

10. Who did Aunt Kate say Alice would marry?
(a) Charles Kingsley
(b) Ned Lowell
(c) her older brother William
(d) Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

11. What did Henry's father say was a woman's job?
(a) be a sweetheart and lover
(b) be a helpmeet to her husband in his career
(c) help make ends meet by earning some money
(d) be submissive, cook, do needlework and care for her children.

12. For whom had the Royal Hospital at Kilmainham been built?
(a) for war victims
(b) for the general population of Dublin
(c) for old British soldiers of the seventeenth century
(d) for the noble inhabitants of Dublin

13. When was the worst time for Alice when she had her most severe nervous breakdown?
(a) before and just after William's marriage
(b) when she returned to New England
(c) when she was traveling in Italy
(d) when she was staying in London

14. Which novel of Henry's mentioned at the end of Chapter 5 was a tribute to Minny?
(a) The Bostonians
(b) The Princess Casamassima
(c) Daisy Miller
(d) Portrait of a Lady

15. What part of Henry's body began to hurt him?
(a) his foot
(b) his eyes
(c) his hand
(d) his arm

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Henry like about Americans?

2. What had William Dean Howells told Sturges during their meeting in Paris?

3. What idea for a story comes to Henry while riding to dinner at the beginning of Chapter 4?

4. What was Minny Temple like?

5. When did Henry James Senior die?

(see the answer keys)

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