The Master Puppeteer Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Master Puppeteer Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Kinshi worried about his part in the next performance?
(a) He has broken his toe.
(b) He cannot seem to remember his lines.
(c) He is not worried.
(d) He has been assigned as foot operator for a difficult part.

2. Who does Okada tell Tozo to send for?
(a) Jiro's mother.
(b) Kenshi.
(c) Yoshida.
(d) Hanji.

3. How does Yoshida react when he hears about what is pinned to the door?
(a) He tells them to take the message to the Shogun.
(b) He tells them to post the message in the courtyard.
(c) He tells them to burn the message.
(d) He tells them to ignore the message.

4. What does Jiro worry about concerning his mother?
(a) How to help her.
(b) How to help her once she gives birth to her baby.
(c) Her safety alone in the house.
(d) How to find her a new husband.

5. What does Kinshi say he has to do?
(a) Help the night rovers.
(b) Figure out where his father gets so much food.
(c) Protect his family.
(d) Find out who Saburo is.

6. Where is the crest Jiro sees?
(a) Stamped on the barrel of rice.
(b) On the cape.
(c) On a dagger that is on the river bank.
(d) On a sword.

7. What does Jiro explain about Yoshida?
(a) What he has learned about Yoshida.
(b) That he is afraid to confront Yoshida.
(c) That Yoshida will probably make Jiro leave the theater.
(d) That Yoshida saved him once.

8. How does Saburo's gang rob the merchant's house?
(a) They do not rob the merchant after he gives them some money that is on his person.
(b) They only rob the livestock.
(c) They do so after putting the merchant in jail.
(d) By forcing the occupants to vacate the buildings with a search warrant.

9. What does the Samurai tell Yoshida?
(a) That there will be hidden soldiers in the audience.
(b) That the performance will not be allowed.
(c) That Yoshida can make his own decision about whether to do the play or not.
(d) That the performance will be done in the town square.

10. What does the man make the puppet do?
(a) Carry a letter.
(b) Faint.
(c) Look like the puppet is about to discover something really big.
(d) Look like the puppet is searching for someone.

11. How does Kinshi get out of his chores?
(a) He volunteers to deliver an invitation from Yoshida.
(b) He says he needs to practice.
(c) He volunteers to go to market.
(d) He says he is sick.

12. What does Jiro find where he is preparing to practice?
(a) A dagger.
(b) A barrel of rice.
(c) A Samaurai sword.
(d) A red cape.

13. How does Saburo's gang convince a merchant that the merchant is under arrest?
(a) They have forged papers.
(b) The gang uses the clothing they stole at the play.
(c) They do not need to convince the merchant; they threaten him.
(d) They have a false warrant tacked to the merchant's door.

14. What does Jiro discover when he sneaks into the storehouse?
(a) The Samurai sword is gone.
(b) Yoshida is there.
(c) Kenshi is there.
(d) Hanji is there.

15. What does Jira say he will try to arrange for Kinshi?
(a) A bigger part in the next play.
(b) A meeting with Yashida.
(c) A way to keep his assigned job.
(d) A meeting with Saburo.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who comes to take Jiro to Okada?

2. Why dos Jiro run past Okada?

3. How do the boys decide to give Kinshi his role back?

4. Why is Jiro irritable as Kinshi practices?

5. How is the play doing as Spring rolls around?

(see the answer keys)

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