The Master Puppeteer Fun Activities

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Master Puppeteer Fun Activities

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Master Puppeteer Lesson Plans


Draw up plans to build a puppet.

Puppet Show

Using simple, hand made puppets have the class put on a puppet show.


Pretend you are Okada and outline a new play for puppets.

Drawings of Characters

Draw or find magazine pictures that you think represent your idea of the following characters: Jiro, Kinshi, Hanji, Isako, Yoshida, Okada, Wada, Minoru, Teiji, Mochida, Tozo, Mrs. Yoshida, Ueno, Akoya, Fusamu, and Joman.

Book Review

Write a book review of The Master Puppeteer for the New York Times book section.

Cover Art

Draw and create a computer-generated graphic of a cover design for The Master Puppeteer. Explain why you created that design.

Book Synopsis

Write a one-page synopsis of The Master Puppeteer for the cover jacket. The objective is to convince people to purchase the book.

Japanese Food

Have a day when everyone brings Japanese food for lunch.

Play a Character

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