The Mask of Command Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

John Keegan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mask of Command Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

John Keegan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what did the French set fire?

2. Throughout Alexander's childhood, the boy was well educated in many areas suitable to a young royal. Alexander's education included learning to sing and play the lyre, hunt, ride, and to debate, and to appreciate epic poetry, mostly as it related to whom?

3. Alexander had a select infantry known as _______________, whose main job it was to surround and protect Alexander.

4. There is not much mention of Philip taking part in Alexander's life until the boy was about age ______________.

5. Alexander could, however, claim an abundance of natural resources, livestock, grains, and fertile lands. The latter was due in part to what?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Alexander look as he rides into battle? Why is this important?

2. Describe Alexander's relationship with his men. What does this reveal about his character?

3. What did Castlereagh think of Wellington? Why? How did this affect Wellington?

4. How was Alexander able to conquer Persia?

5. Why were other soldiers jealous of Wellington? Should they have been jealous? Why or why not?

6. What did Wellington do when the French set fire to the chateau at Hougomont? Why did he do this?

7. To whom does Keegan compare Alexander the Great in Chapter One? What is the outcome of this comparison?

8. In Chapter Two, "Wellington the Man," what does the author reiterate? Why?

9. Describe the army Alexander inherited from his father.

10. Describe Alexander's parents' personalities and relationship.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Alexander inherited his father's army.

Part 1) Describe the Macedonian army. How did it compare to other armies of its day? How does it compare to modern armies?

Part 2) How was the size and skill of this army both a benefit and a detriment to Alexander? How are modern day armies also beneficial and detrimental?

Part 3) How did Alexander treat the men in his army? What does this reveal about him? How does his treatment of his men compare to the treatment of the soldiers by other leaders described in this book? How are our own military personnel treated today? How important is the relationship between a leader and his or her followers? Explain.

Essay Topic 2

Keegan mentions that many of the leaders were put under more strain than their men.

Part 1) Are you surprised by this? Why or why not? Under what strain are these leaders? How does it affect many of them? How does it affect their ability to lead?

Part 2) What strain are our own leaders today put under? How does this strain affect their ability to lead? How does it affect us as civilians?

Part 3) What strain are you under in your own life? How does it affect you? How can this help you empathize with world leaders?

Essay Topic 3

The leaders in this book had differing relationships with their men.

Part 1) How did these leaders feel about their men? How did these feelings influence their behavior toward their soldiers?

Part 2) Do you believe that a leader should trust his or her soldiers? Why or why not? Should a leader physically lead his or her army? Why or why not?

Part 3) What do you believe is the attitude of the U.S. military leaders toward their soldiers today? Why do you believe this? Does this attitude toward the American soldier today differ from the past? Explain.

(see the answer keys)

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