The Mask of Command Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

John Keegan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mask of Command Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

John Keegan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 3, Chapters 1-7.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. By 3:00 on Sunday the __________, the battle at Waterloo was in full swing.
(a) 7th.
(b) 20th.
(c) 18th.
(d) 13th.

2. Included in Chapter Five are several photos and renderings of Grant, including a portrait and whose surrender at Vicksburg?
(a) Pemberton's.
(b) Lee's.
(c) Davis'.
(d) Jackson's.

3. ___________________, a contemporary of Wellington's from Calcutta, described the man thus: "He was all life and spirits. In height he was about 5 feet 7 inches (in fact nearer 5 feet 10 inches) with a long pale face, a remarkably large aquiline nose, a clear blue eye and the blackest beard I ever saw" (p. 106).
(a) George Elers.
(b) Gary Ellerton.
(c) Geoffrey Elton.
(d) Gregory Elson.

4. Wellington so impressed Castlereagh that the thirty-seven-year-old soldier was soon a trusted confidant and advisor on one military scheme after another. One of those schemes included keeping an eye on whose activities?
(a) Napoleon's.
(b) King Richard's.
(c) Kaiser Wilhelm.
(d) George Washington's.

5. West Point would go on to graduate many notable people, including President Eisenhower, James McNeil Whistler, and __________________.
(a) Bob Fosse.
(b) Jackson Pollock.
(c) Edgar Allan Poe.
(d) Reba McIntyre.

Short Answer Questions

1. Like many royals, Alexander had a tutor. Alexander's tutor of __________ years also happened to be a brilliant student of Plato's, a man named Aristotle.

2. Alexander paid a visit to the Oracle and it was said that the Oracle referred to Alexander as the son of whom?

3. Describe Olympias.

4. How was Alexander toward his men?

5. Keegan states that if there is any one historical document that details the Civil War in its entirety, that document would be what?

(see the answer key)

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