The Marrow Thieves Test | Final Test - Easy

Cherie Dimaline
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Marrow Thieves Test | Final Test - Easy

Cherie Dimaline
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When The Potential of Change begins, it is which day of constant snow?
(a) The 20th.
(b) The 12th.
(c) The 5th.
(d) The 3rd.

2. In what type of abode did Frenchie and his brother Mitch live with a family member after leaving their parents' home?
(a) Lodge.
(b) Cabin.
(c) Hostel.
(d) Cave.

3. By what time does Frenchie's group catch up to the two men traveling parallel to their own path?
(a) 4 in the morning.
(b) Noon.
(c) Midnight.
(d) 2 in the afternoon.

4. Which character is singing when Rose and Frenchie hear him in the chapter called Loss?
(a) Chi-Boy.
(b) Slopper.
(c) Tree.
(d) Miigwan.

5. To what location does Frenchie go after he leaves the company of Rose in the chapter called Loss?
(a) To Miigwan's tent.
(b) To the brook.
(c) To the bonfire.
(d) To the meadow.

6. It is revealed in the chapter entitled Loss that Miigwan escaped from his captors when the boarding school was destroyed by what cause?
(a) Earthquake.
(b) Fire.
(c) Flood.
(d) Bomb.

7. In what location does Frenchie see a pink boot lying by itself in the chapter called The Way it All Changed?
(a) Floating in the lake.
(b) In the tent.
(c) On the edge of the cliff.
(d) In the hollow of the tree.

8. Isaac spoke English and which other language?
(a) Latin.
(b) Spanish.
(c) French.
(d) Cree.

9. At the end of the chapter entitled Loss, Frenchie tells Miigwan, "We'll get Minerva" (134). He adds that their group will take what action against Minerva's captors?
(a) Expose them.
(b) Defeat them.
(c) Punish them.
(d) Arrest them.

10. With which character's death is the pink boot associated?
(a) Miigwan's.
(b) RiRi's.
(c) Wab's.
(d) Tree's.

11. In what way was Issac related to Miigwan, as revealed in Migwan's Coming-to Story?
(a) Brother.
(b) Husband.
(c) Uncle.
(d) Nephew.

12. What type of stew do Travis and Lincoln share with Frenchie's group in the chapter called The Other Indians?
(a) Rabbit.
(b) Duck.
(c) Mutton.
(d) Venison.

13. Which character recognizes Travis when they encounter one another in the chapter called The Other Indians?
(a) Wab.
(b) Tree.
(c) Minerva.
(d) Chi-Boy.

14. What was Isaac's nickname for Miigwan?
(a) Wanshee.
(b) Migs.
(c) Manacle.
(d) Mimi.

15. What what type of weapon is Travis killed at the end of the chapter called The Way it All Changed?
(a) A knife.
(b) A gun.
(c) A hatchet.
(d) An arrow.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the chapter called The Miracle of Minerva, it is revealed that Minerva performed what action continuously throughout the drive to the boarding school?

2. In the chapter called On the Road, which character shows the distinctive cuts in the tree bark to Frenchie?

3. Isaac told the group of men they encountered nearby their cabin that Miigwan performed what type of service?

4. Which one of Frenchie's five senses first alerts him to the presence of intruders in the chapter called Found?

5. What term does Miigwan use to describe Isaac's identity?

(see the answer keys)

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