The Marrow Thieves Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Cherie Dimaline
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Marrow Thieves Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Cherie Dimaline
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How old was Wab when the building in which she and her mother rented a room burned down?
(a) 12.
(b) 14.
(c) 16.
(d) 10.

2. The logos on the truant officers' uniforms are marked Government of what?
(a) Lilliput.
(b) Australia.
(c) Canada.
(d) The United States.

3. The truant officers who hunt Indigenous people in the novel are referred to with what term?
(a) Hunters.
(b) Recruiters.
(c) Followers.
(d) Spies.

4. Which character asks the group a question about the innate goodness or evil of humankind?
(a) Chi-Boy.
(b) Tree.
(c) Wab.
(d) Minerva.

5. In the chapter entitled Story: Part Two, Miigwan continues the story he started telling the night when which character arrived?
(a) Isaac.
(b) RiRi.
(c) Rose.
(d) Frenchie.

6. Which character has a high and beautiful singing voice, according to Frenchie?
(a) Frenchie.
(b) Jean.
(c) Rose.
(d) Chi-Boy.

7. How many people in total are part of the group once Frenchie joins it in the chapter called The Fire?
(a) 3.
(b) 5.
(c) 12.
(d) 7.

8. When everyone else in the group has become more relaxed, which character remains stressed?
(a) Wab.
(b) Miigwan.
(c) Chi-Boy.
(d) RiRi.

9. Which character asks Wab if the familiar man she observed in the woods had been the one to cut her face open?
(a) Tree.
(b) Minerva.
(c) Chi-Boy.
(d) RiRi.

10. Miigwan answers the question about good and evil by speaking about a piece of literature by which author?
(a) Albert Camus.
(b) George Orwell.
(c) Anthony Burgess.
(d) J.D. Salinger.

11. The only other adult in Frenchie's new group besides Miigwan is which character?
(a) Jean.
(b) Chi-Boy.
(c) Rose.
(d) Minerva.

12. In what type of container did Wab's captors keep her locked as she was tortured and raped for a series of days?
(a) A shipping container.
(b) A dumpster.
(c) A freezer.
(d) A closet.

13. To what location does Frenchie go at the end of the chapter entitled A Plague of Madness?
(a) To a cave.
(b) To his tent.
(c) To the river.
(d) To the lake.

14. Frenchie does NOT mention which reason while discussing the group's slow progress through Four Winds?
(a) Excitement.
(b) Reverence.
(c) Fear.
(d) Habit.

15. How does Rose respond after Frenchie tests the fence for electrical current himself?
(a) She presses her thumb into his palm.
(b) She hugs him.
(c) She smiles at him.
(d) She shoves him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the legal name of the character who goes by the nickname of Frenchie?

2. What is the name of Frenchie's brother with whom he has been living in a treehouse for a few days when Frenchie's Coming-to Story opens?

3. How many people within Frenchie's new group are related by blood?

4. Miigwan tells the group about the wars named after which natural resource?

5. In which direction does the group head when the chapter called The Four Winds begins?

(see the answer keys)

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