The Market Revolution: Jacksonian America, 1815-1846 Test | Final Test - Easy

Charles Sellers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Market Revolution: Jacksonian America, 1815-1846 Test | Final Test - Easy

Charles Sellers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Andrew Jackson change his stance with regard to the Indian removal issue in Georgia?
(a) He backed states' rights.
(b) He insisted on federal coordination of policies.
(c) He allowed the military to act on its own.
(d) He insisted on the federal government's primacy.

2. Who delivered this result for the northern manufacturers?
(a) Henry Clay.
(b) Andrew Jackson.
(c) John Calhoun.
(d) Robert Owen.

3. What does Sellers say is the appropriate outlet for the sexual forces liberated in masturbation?
(a) Productivity.
(b) The market.
(c) Politics.
(d) Education.

4. Where did democratic sentiment exist in the south, in Sellers's account?
(a) In the slave holders.
(b) In the masses who did not work on plantations.
(c) In the few urban centers.
(d) In the slaves.

5. What is the only way to cope the with economic stress of the market, according to Sellers?
(a) Return to a pastoral place as often as possible.
(b) Invent labor-saving devices to allow more free time.
(c) Invest in the companies that make capitalism work for you.
(d) Internalize unhealthy coping mechanisms.

6. What benefited from the emotional effects of economic stress in 1819?
(a) Antinomians.
(b) Investors.
(c) Radical Democrats.
(d) Republicans.

7. What was NOT a contributing factor to the expansion of literacy in the U.S. in the 1830s?
(a) Industrial jobs required reading and writing.
(b) Immigration increased.
(c) Novels and newspapers were widely distributed.
(d) Media becomes even cheaper to produce.

8. What were Unitarian elites trying to combine with the modern American capitalist economy?
(a) European socialism.
(b) Russian totalitarianism.
(c) Slavery.
(d) Romantic sentiment.

9. Who does Sellers say found New Light theology too radical?
(a) Southern Baptists.
(b) Antinomians.
(c) Unitarians.
(d) Southern New England Congregationalists.

10. Where does Sellers situate Jonathan Edwards and Samuel Hopkins?
(a) On the more radical side of the antinomians.
(b) On the more conservative side of the Unitarians.
(c) Closer to Baptists than Unitarians.
(d) Between antinomians and Unitarians.

11. What did the Moderate Light forces urge in the 1830s?
(a) Isolationism.
(b) Cultural imperialism.
(c) Abolition.
(d) Resolution of labor conflicts.

12. What did Robert Owen advocate?
(a) Tribunals.
(b) Corporations.
(c) Unions.
(d) Communes.

13. How did Biddle ultimately make sure the Federal Bank would die, in Sellers's account?
(a) He played his policies just right.
(b) He overplayed his hand.
(c) He mismanaged the monetary supply.
(d) He neglected to consider the cost of the federal debt in debt maintenance.

14. Who led South Carolina in opposition to Jackson and Martin Van Buren?
(a) Henry Clay.
(b) Sam Houston.
(c) John Calhoun.
(d) James Monroe.

15. What did new organizations try to do as they arose during the 1830s, in Sellers's account?
(a) Resolve the contradiction between democracy and capitalism.
(b) Expand into new territories before the federal government established rule of law there.
(c) Distinguish between nationalists and merchants.
(d) Profit from the gap between democracy and capitalism.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does capitalism result in, according to Sellers?

2. What was the cause that created regional tensions Jackson and Martin Van Buren had to quell?

3. What does Sellers say the Great Awakening made possible?

4. What was the result of increasing demands on northern manufacturers, according to Sellers?

5. What did the Supreme Court say with regard to Jackson's policy about the Indians in Georgia?

(see the answer keys)

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