The Mark: The Beast Rules the World Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 84 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mark: The Beast Rules the World Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 84 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Carpathia intend to go once he is in Jerusalem?

2. What site is visited by Buck and Albie?

3. What vehicle will be used in the getaway?

4. Where is Miklos' wife?

5. How many people say they will die before receiving the mark?

Short Essay Questions

1. Chaim and Rayford discuss Carpathia's death. How did Carpathia die? Who was responsible?

2. What new turn of events does Hannah discover at the morgue? What makes the Tribulation Force suspicious about the news?

3. How does David react when he learns that Chang has received the Mark of the Beast?

4. Why does Rayford try to dissuade Zeke from trying to recover his father's body?

5. What has changed about the job taken over by Hickman? What are Hickman's qualifications?

6. What information does Hickman have that will benefit Carpathia in carrying out his plan?

7. What happens after Albie and Buck arrive in Greece? Where do the men go? Why?

8. Why do some members of the group tease Zeke after he procured the uniforms from the dead GC officers?

9. Buck and Albie try desperately to save Laslo's wife from the execution. Explain Buck and Albie's actions and the outcome.

10. What is Tsion's explanation of the differences in the religious texts?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Chaim is instructed to go to Jerusalem. Although Chaim has great faith, the man is doubtful that he is capable or prepared to make the trip. Explain why Chaim feels that way. Also examine the symbolism between Chaim's journey and the meaning of his name. What might have happened if Chaim refused the challenge?

Essay Topic 2

According to Tsion, the biochips that will be injected will serve as identifiers as well as currency for those who have received the Mark. What will become of those who refuse to receive the Mark? How would they be able to survive? How will the chips identify the people? How will the people be separated? What does Tsion propose as a solution?

Essay Topic 3

Hattie is a non-believer that is sent to BUFFER, a rehabilitation center for women. Hattie is scheduled to receive the Mark of the Beast. Explain Hattie's reaction to the confinement at BUFFER. How will BUFFER affect Hattie's beliefs? What will happen while Hattie is at the rehab center? What actions might Hattie take?

(see the answer keys)

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