Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Where is the prisoner being held before being sent back to the rehab center?
2. Who is being held at the bunker?
3. Where do Rayford, Hattie and Albie spend the night?
4. How will Hattie escape from the bunker?
5. What will prove Carpathia's resurrection was real?
Short Essay Questions
1. What is the intention of Nicholae Carpathia?
2. How does Rayford know that it is safe to proceed to BUFFER?
3. What assistance might Hannah be able to offer in regard to the implants planned by the GC?
4. What does Carpathia mean by the joke wherein he states that he "has a new lease on life?"
5. Why is Kenny Bruce upset?
6. In regards to Carpathia, what concerns David at the end of the director's meeting?
7. Why is it important for David to get dressed right away to leave the hospital?
8. What has David upset when he realizes that the hour has grown late?
9. While at the hotel with Albie and Rayford, Hattie receives an unusual gift. What is the gift and why has Hattie received it?
10. What are some of the things Tsion warns his readers about in regards to Carpathia?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
There are many discussions in which Carpathia is referred to as the Antichrist. Many of the characters reference religious texts to prove the point. Explain how the members of the Tribulation Force and others can be sure that Carpathia is Satan incarnate. Is the belief in the prophecy realistic or foolish? What might happen if the characters are wrong?
Essay Topic 2
Tsion claims that he has always known that nearly 30 percent of the Bible is pure prophecy and that he does not understand why God would include such things in the book if no one was able to understand the meaning of the passages. What is Tsion's solution to this problem? Do you think that Tsion is correct in separating Prophecy from truth and parables? How does Tsion's belief system affect his interactions with others in the group?
Essay Topic 3
Much credence is placed in the two main religious texts in the story. What are the texts? What do they have to say about Carpathia and men of that sort? Compare and contrast the writings in the text. Are there other religious or historical texts that make the same claim?
This section contains 672 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |