The Mark of the Assassin Test | Final Test - Easy

Daniel Silva (novelist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mark of the Assassin Test | Final Test - Easy

Daniel Silva (novelist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From where does Elizabeth resign to work for a new firm in NY after the twins are born?
(a) Braxton's firm.
(b) Elliott's firm.
(c) Vandenburg's firm.
(d) Osbourne's firm.

2. Where is Delaroche sitting observing the bicycle couriers, so he may imitate their dress and mannerisms?
(a) Park Slope.
(b) Washington Center.
(c) Hampshire Avenue.
(d) Du Pont Circle.

3. When Astrid follows Elizabeth, what does Elizabeth put in the car when she exits as a ruse?
(a) A lifestyle dummy "passenger."
(b) A lifestyle bookshelf.
(c) A life size friend.
(d) A life size robot.

4. What does the package that Michael received at his office contain information about?
(a) Changes.
(b) Trips.
(c) October.
(d) Drugs.

5. Who goes ahead to the house belonging to a relative of Elizabeth to set up security measures prior to the arrival of October?
(a) Osbourne.
(b) Elizabeth.
(c) Carter.
(d) Michael.

6. Who is Michael able to identify as he watches airport arrivals as he follows the trail of Stoltenberg?
(a) Astrid.
(b) Delaroche.
(c) Marcus.
(d) Daniel.

7. Where does Michael go to call Elizabeth and give an update, insisting upon the importance of the impending meeting on the ferry?
(a) Christie.
(b) Seymour.
(c) Acton.
(d) Harriet.

8. Where does Stoltenberg get his driver to take him and Astrid?
(a) The bookstore.
(b) The desert.
(c) The highway.
(d) The golf course.

9. Whose tarnished reputation has moved him to withdraw from the nomination for Secretary of State?
(a) Silva.
(b) Braxton.
(c) Daniel.
(d) Morgan.

10. When Michael and Elizabeth dress in heavy winter clothing, what do they count upon to show which door or window has been breached?
(a) The Airforce.
(b) The security system.
(c) The broker system.
(d) The Army.

11. What is the apparent role of the tall blond man that follows Elizabeth and Max into the restaurant and then calls Callahan?
(a) Waiter.
(b) Bartender.
(c) Custodian.
(d) Owner.

12. When Astrid picks up Delaroche, who do they follow that is stopped for speeding and turns out to be a mannequin?
(a) Elizabeth.
(b) Michael.
(c) Daniel.
(d) Max.

13. What kind of refugee camp does Awad grow up in?
(a) French.
(b) Palestinian.
(c) Armenian.
(d) German.

14. Elliott and the Society Director plan on killing ______ after he completes his mission of murder.
(a) Carter.
(b) Osbourne.
(c) October.
(d) Vandenburg.

15. When Logan recaps Susanna's investigation for Elizabeth and Michael, whose personal history does he begin with?
(a) Beckwith.
(b) Adrian.
(c) Jezebel.
(d) Marcus.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Delaroche steal to get to the island to complete his mission, fighting off bad weather?

2. Whom does Delaroche kill when he lands on the island and heads up to the house to complete his mission?

3. What does the item that Michael and Elizabeth receive at the Georgetown University Medical Center tell them about their children?

4. When Delaroche and Astrid retrieve their belongings from their hotel, what is Delaroche unwilling to accept as his result for the mission?

5. Looking again at Osbourne's dossier, Delaroche is convinced they will go to Elizabeth's ______ home.

(see the answer keys)

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