The Map of Love Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Map of Love Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which character is depicted on the "missing" panel in "An End?"
(a) Osiris.
(b) Isis.
(c) Nur.
(d) Horus.

2. What fear does 'Omar have about his relationship with Isabel?
(a) His health is not good enough.
(b) She will eventually find a younger man.
(c) He fears she may be his daughter.
(d) He fears she may be shot by a terrorist.

3. What must Sharif wait for before he can set up a school?
(a) Electicity to be restored.
(b) An accepted bribe by government officials.
(c) Spring.
(d) A testimonial from Muhammad 'Abdu.

4. What odor does Isabel smell as she meets Umm Aya and Sheikh 'Isa?
(a) Orange blossom.
(b) Cinnamon incense.
(c) Sweet cakes.
(d) Jasmine.

5. How are Isis and Osiris related?
(a) They are arch enemies.
(b) They are star-crossed lovers.
(c) They are brother and sister.
(d) They are married.

6. What concern does Sheikh Muhammad 'Abdu have about the future of Palestine?
(a) The Arabs in Palestine are at risk for blending their culture.
(b) More and more Jews are buying land in Palestine.
(c) The United States is too large to oppose.
(d) The United Nations appears to support the relocation of the Jews.

7. Why does Sharif buy Anna English-style trees to plant in their garden?
(a) Anna is homesick for England.
(b) Anna wants her children to understand English culture.
(c) They are a wedding present.
(d) They are unable to walk in the public parks together.

8. Which royal event does Anna attend in Chapter 17?
(a) Prince Yusuf Kamal's Oriental dance recital.
(b) Princess Nazli Fadhil's literary/political salon.
(c) Sheikh Muhammad 'Abdu's annual feast.
(d) The National Opera.

9. How does Amal honor Sharif in "An End?"
(a) She paints his portrait.
(b) She has a surah of the Qur'an chanted for Sharif.
(c) She begins to write his memoir.
(d) She vows to name her son after him.

10. In Chapter 24, which character does Anna wish would visit her?
(a) Sir Charles.
(b) Isabel.
(c) Caroline.
(d) Sharif.

11. In Chapter 26, who does Amal dream of kissing?
(a) Tareq.
(b) Sharif.
(c) Cromer.
(d) 'Omar.

12. What honor does Zeinab give Anna the night of her wedding?
(a) A seat of honor.
(b) A dance.
(c) A song.
(d) Family jewelry.

13. Which character does Anna meet the day after her wedding?
(a) Sharif's business partner, Husni.
(b) Her new father-in-law.
(c) Her new maid, Efendi.
(d) Her new mother-in-law.

14. Which Oriental nation defeated Russia in 1905?
(a) Japan.
(b) Egypt.
(c) China.
(d) Saudi Arabia.

15. Which political organization was 'Omar once connected with?
(a) Palestine National Council.
(b) The Kefaya Movement.
(c) The Muslim Brotherhood.
(d) National Democratic Party.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Sharif instruct Anna to take Nur if he dies?

2. Where does Emily decide to live after Anna's wedding?

3. What physical ailment sometimes prevents Sheikh 'Isa from working?

4. Which Middle Eastern political group does Sharif oppose?

5. Which character does Isabel blame for putting the missing tapestry in her bag?

(see the answer keys)

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