The Man Without Qualities II: The Like of It Now Happens Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Without Qualities II: The Like of It Now Happens Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Ulrich respond during the demonstrations in Chapter 120?
(a) He stands to defend the person they are protesting.
(b) He tries to calm the crowd.
(c) He gets involved in the protest.
(d) He watches from a distance.

2. How does General Stumm's relationship with Ulrich develop?
(a) The General feels that he can tell Ulrich anything and can trust Ulrich not to betray him.
(b) Ulrich doesn't really want the General to confide in him, but he does it anyway.
(c) The General doesn't understand why he has begun feeling as though he can confide in Ulrich.
(d) The General feels that he should be careful what he tells Ulrich because he doesn't trust him completely.

3. What is General Stumm's reason for recommending a certain author to Ulrich in Chapter 100?
(a) Many intellectuals with whom Stumm associated had read this author, and Ulrich needed to be able to discuss his works with them.
(b) The author's point of view was very different from Ulrich's, and General Stumm wanted him to consider the opposing viewpoint.
(c) The author was a relative of General Stumm's, and he was trying to drum up business for him.
(d) The author explored the limitations of intellect and perception, something which Ulrich is interested in exploring.

4. What does Arnheim believe about moral and material wealth?
(a) They are one and the same.
(b) They go together.
(c) They sometimes coexist.
(d) They are mutually exclusive.

5. Why isn't Ulrich surprised by the relationship that Arnheim and Diotima have?
(a) He never understood why her husband tolerated Arnheim's attentions toward her.
(b) Arnheim had all the same qualities that caused Diotima to fall in love with her husband.
(c) Diotima had a propensity for becoming infatuated with men she couldn't have.
(d) Arnheim had told Ulrich about his plan to woo Diotima.

Short Answer Questions

1. During the protests in Chapter 120, Arnheim is viewed as a representative of what country?

2. Arnheim is convinced in Chapter 112 that Ulrich is doing what?

3. What point of view does the author use in Chapter 119 to relate the thoughts and feelings of Ulrich and Gerda?

4. Why do Rachel and Soliman find it difficult to be together in Chapter 117?

5. What is the concept of "diminished responsibility," as defined in Chapter 110?

Short Essay Questions

1. What concept does Arnheim contemplate in Chapter 106, and how does he feel about it?

2. What is revealed about Arnheim in Chapter 116?

3. What do Diotima and Ulrich discuss in Chapter 101?

4. What do Ulrich and Arnheim say about Moosbrugger in Chapter 121?

5. What is the concept of "diminished responsibility" as outlined in Chapter 111?

6. Who is Bonadea, and what is her history with Ulrich?

7. What happens to Bonadea in Chapter 115?

8. What is Count Leinsdorf concerned about in Chapter 107?

9. What does the narrator say about children and servants in Chapter 113?

10. What changes in Chapter 117 for Rachel?

(see the answer keys)

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