The Man Without Qualities II: The Like of It Now Happens Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Without Qualities II: The Like of It Now Happens Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What important concept is introduced in Chapter 99?
(a) Realism.
(b) Expressionism.
(c) Impressionism.
(d) Romanticism.

2. What is Leo's reaction to the topic Ulrich introduces in Chapter 73?
(a) He passionately opposes it.
(b) He dislikes it but doesn't get worked up about it.
(c) He is undecided.
(d) He doesn't express an opinion either way.

3. How does the author describe Clarisse?
(a) A conservative patriot.
(b) Attractive, but not particularly intelligent.
(c) Intelligent, but not particularly attractive.
(d) A sexy intellectual.

4. How is the importance of a book determined, according to the author?
(a) By its sales.
(b) By the popularity of its writer.
(c) By its critical reviews.
(d) By its impact on popular culture.

5. The author claims that the General suffered from becoming repeatedly infatuated with what types of women?
(a) Attractive but unintelligent ones.
(b) Greedy ones.
(c) Promiscuous ones.
(d) Intimidating ones.

6. What does Arnheim end up doing in Chapter 86?
(a) Arranging to remain as Diotima's guest for an even longer period.
(b) He decides not to involve himself in Diotima's relationship with the General.
(c) He takes the General aside and talks to him about his infatuation with Diotima.
(d) He decides to take a step back and maintain only a casual acquaintance with Diotima.

7. According to Count Leinsdorf in Chapter 81 what concept is not useful to humanity?
(a) Ideological politics.
(b) Sociology.
(c) Practical politics.
(d) Philosophy.

8. According to the author, what would have been the best course of action for Arnheim in Chapter 86?
(a) To choose not to involve himself in Diotima's acquaintance with the General.
(b) To maintain only a casual acquaintance with Diotima.
(c) To make it clear to the General that he was Diotima's first choice.
(d) To stop visiting Diotima and stay away from her.

9. What example does the author use in Chapter 74 to describe the power of natural forces?
(a) The unstoppable power of tornadoes and hurricanes.
(b) The Moon's effect on the tides.
(c) The way some animals mate for life.
(d) The Moon's orbit around the Earth.

10. What effect does Arnheim's family business have on his relationship with General Stumm in Chapter 89?
(a) It leads them to realize that they have some surprising things in common.
(b) It makes them respect but still distrust one another.
(c) It creates an even greater rift between them.
(d) It has no effect on their relationship.

11. What does Clarisse think is the main difference between the two men she compares in Chapter 97?
(a) One is compassionate, and the other is not.
(b) One is in love with her, and the other is not.
(c) One is successful, and the other is not.
(d) One is musical, and the other is not.

12. Who are Gerda's parents?
(a) Leo and Klementine.
(b) Hans and Diotima.
(c) Ulrich and Klementine.
(d) Ulrich and Diotima.

13. How are Arnheim and Diotima's activities viewed in Chapter 89?
(a) They are viewed as being unintentionally presumptuous.
(b) They are looked down upon by the higher classes.
(c) They are resented by the lower classes.
(d) They are viewed as appropriate and effective.

14. According to the author, why are some writers' situations strange?
(a) They are unable to relate to others.
(b) They have been too far removed from the outside world.
(c) They think their art is great, when others don't.
(d) Their brains work differently than other peoples' do.

15. When did Arnheim do the majority of his traveling?
(a) Before World War I.
(b) During World War II.
(c) During World War I.
(d) After World War I.

Short Answer Questions

1. Arnheim has traveled extensively in what areas of the world?

2. What did Arnheim say in Chapter 94, which made Diotima realize her feelings for him?

3. In Chapter 85, the General expresses to Ulrich his disappointment in what?

4. What question does Ulrich ask regarding Gerda's upcoming marriage in Chapter 73?

5. Which ancient philosopher is the topic of Chapter 77?

(see the answer keys)

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