The Man Without Qualities II: The Like of It Now Happens Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Without Qualities II: The Like of It Now Happens Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 6, Chapters 92 - 95.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Diotima's opinion of working life as stated in Chapter 93?
(a) She declines to give an opinion of working life because she has never experienced it.
(b) It is a necessary evil for many, which the rich are happy to avoid.
(c) It builds an individual's character, and as such it is an extremely valuable experience.
(d) It can wipe out someone's personality unless it is so well suited to them that they identify with it.

2. What is discussed regarding Diotima in Chapter 93?
(a) The liking she has taken to Ulrich.
(b) Her inappropriate relationship with Arnheim.
(c) The fact that her relationship with Arnheim has remained completely nonsexual.
(d) Her mentoring of Clarissa.

3. Ulrich urges General Stumm to do what, in Chapter 84?
(a) Not take thinking so seriously.
(b) Take the opportunity to invest in a new business.
(c) Tell Diotima how he feels about her.
(d) Retire from his military career to pursue one that he enjoys.

4. How are Arnheim and Diotima's activities viewed in Chapter 89?
(a) They are looked down upon by the higher classes.
(b) They are resented by the lower classes.
(c) They are viewed as being unintentionally presumptuous.
(d) They are viewed as appropriate and effective.

5. To what type of individual does the author compare the General to describe his attitude toward his work?
(a) A well-supported wife of twenty or thirty years.
(b) A field laborer who knows no other work.
(c) A young man who inherits his father's business.
(d) An ambitious politician.

Short Answer Questions

1. The author claims that the General suffered from becoming repeatedly infatuated with what types of women?

2. Which countries does Diotima specifically dislike?

3. What artistic movement was often criticized by Diotima's group?

4. What was the topic of the letter that Clarisse wrote to Count Leinsdorf in Chapter 82?

5. What is Klementine's reaction to the topic Ulrich introduces in Chapter 73?

(see the answer key)

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