The Man with the Golden Gun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man with the Golden Gun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Aboard the train, who accidentally shoots the train's driver?
(a) Scaramanga.
(b) Binion.
(c) Bond.
(d) Garfinkel.

2. The morning of the train trip, who asks for a secure telephone line because the telephone in his room is "not secure enough"?
(a) Nicholson.
(b) Leiter.
(c) Hendriks.
(d) Garfinkel.

3. What is the one thing that Bond treasures above all else?
(a) His job.
(b) His freedom.
(c) His singleness.
(d) His anonymity.

4. In order to organize the next day's train trip, who does Scaramanga tell Bond to talk with in the morning?
(a) The engineer.
(b) The manager.
(c) The conductor.
(d) The caterer.

5. During the train ride, approximately how far away from Bond is Scaramanga?
(a) Ten feet.
(b) Fifteen feet.
(c) Five feet.
(d) Twenty feet.

6. What are the four meeting attendees all wearing for their afternoon train ride?
(a) Calypso shirts.
(b) Trench coats.
(c) Cowboy boots.
(d) Brass belt buckles.

7. How does M sign his communications?
(a) Mailedfist.
(b) Monsterfist.
(c) Misterfist.
(d) Masterfist.

8. When Bond arrives at the conference prior to Scaramanga's morning meeting, what does he notice is different about the chair where Rotkopf must have sat the previous day?
(a) It has a cracked leg.
(b) It has blood on it.
(c) It is tipped backwards.
(d) It has a torn cushion.

9. When Bond watches the stowaway jump from the train, how does Bond characterize the stowaway's landing?
(a) As clumsy.
(b) As dangerous.
(c) As perfect.
(d) As smooth.

10. Who is the first meeting attendee to accept the call to provide one million dollars?
(a) Gengerella.
(b) Hendriks.
(c) Binion.
(d) Rotkopf.

11. According to the "official" report, who were Leiter, Nicholson, and Bond working under the direction of?
(a) The CID.
(b) The CIA.
(c) The IRS.
(d) The FBI.

12. Who is the first meeting attendee to object to the amount of money Scaramanga is asking for?
(a) Rotkopf.
(b) Hendriks.
(c) Binion.
(d) Gengerella.

13. Where is the secret door that Scaramanga uses to enter Bond's hotel room?
(a) Behind the curtains.
(b) In the bathroom.
(c) In the clothes cupboard.
(d) Behind the mirror.

14. Aboard the train, who offers Bond a million dollars if only Bond will get the remaining mobsters out of the mess they find themselves in?
(a) Paradise.
(b) Rotkopf.
(c) Binion.
(d) Garfinkel.

15. When Bond arrives at the conference prior to Scaramanga's morning meeting, how does he guess that Rotkopf had died?
(a) Strangulation.
(b) A single gunshot.
(c) A knife wound.
(d) Poison.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does Bond wait after hearing the cough before proceeding forward?

2. As Bond makes his escape from Scaramanga's dinner party, whose eyes are on Bond as Bond leaves the room?

3. What is the name of the Supreme Court justice present at the "official" meeting that takes place in Bond's hospital room?

4. Who refuses to take part in the phony Notes?

5. What is Nicholson's cover name?

(see the answer keys)

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