The Man with the Golden Gun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man with the Golden Gun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What excuse does Bond give to Scaramanga when he tries to leave the party after dinner?
(a) Bond has a headache.
(b) Bond is tired.
(c) Bond has to leave the hotel.
(d) Bond has an early flight.

2. Just as Bond is about to shoot Scaramanga, Scaramanga makes one final request. What does Scaramanga ask Bond for?
(a) A message to give his son.
(b) A drink of water.
(c) A last meal.
(d) A moment to pray.

3. According to Scaramanga, how much money does he tell the attendees that they need to raise for the hotel?
(a) $5 million.
(b) $10 million.
(c) $15 million.
(d) $1 million.

4. Who calls the "official" meeting to order that takes place in Bond's hospital room?
(a) The Prime Minister.
(b) The Supreme Court judge.
(c) The Head of Station C.
(d) The Police Commissioner.

5. What was the name of the British agent that Scaramanga killed a few days earlier?
(a) Brea.
(b) Havner.
(c) Redlin.
(d) Ross.

6. What is the name of the Supreme Court justice present at the "official" meeting that takes place in Bond's hospital room?
(a) Morris Cargill.
(b) Alec Hill.
(c) Sam Rainer.
(d) John Mickelson.

7. At the time the meeting takes place, how many boats controlled by The Group are loaded with raw sugar outside United States' harbors?
(a) Eight.
(b) Ten.
(c) Four.
(d) Six.

8. Aboard the train, who accidentally shoots the train's driver?
(a) Bond.
(b) Binion.
(c) Garfinkel.
(d) Scaramanga.

9. Where is the secret door that Scaramanga uses to enter Bond's hotel room?
(a) Behind the curtains.
(b) In the clothes cupboard.
(c) Behind the mirror.
(d) In the bathroom.

10. As Bond allows himself to be distracted as he hunts for Scaramanga, how does Bond characterize Scaramanga in his imagination?
(a) As a gracious host.
(b) As an evil emperor.
(c) As a devil-man.
(d) As a humble servant.

11. As Gengerella enters the discussion, who does he acknowledge - somewhat snidely - are good traders?
(a) The English.
(b) The Americans.
(c) The Cubans.
(d) The Russians.

12. A week after the "official" meeting occurs in Bond's hospital room, Goodnight enters Bond's hospital room carrying something. What is she carrying?
(a) A typewriter.
(b) A briefcase.
(c) A Triple-X machine.
(d) A Double -0 machine.

13. As shots are fired aboard the train, Bond is hit. Where is Bond shot?
(a) In the chest.
(b) In the shoulder.
(c) In the leg.
(d) In the back.

14. After the "official" meeting in Bond's hospital room concludes, who does Bond ask to stay behind for a few minutes?
(a) Nicholson.
(b) Jameson.
(c) Cargill.
(d) Leiter.

15. Who does Bond believe Hendriks is with?
(a) The FBI.
(b) The Mossad.
(c) The KGB.
(d) The CIA.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does Bond wait after hearing the cough before proceeding forward?

2. What does the colloquialism "buckra" mean?

3. After Scaramanga challenges Bond to make the evening better and Bond asks Scaramanga for the item, who shouts for Scaramanga to give Bond what he asked for?

4. When everyone boards the train, where does Scaramanga tell Bond to sit?

5. As Scaramanga is leaving Bond's hotel room, who does Scaramanga tell Bond he has a meeting with the next morning?

(see the answer keys)

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